New peeps.
Apocalyspe Now, Batman, Big Daddy, Billy Madison, The Exorcist, Die Hard, Dirty Harry, Dracula, Flash Gordon, Frankenstein, Friday the 13th, Full Metal Jacket, 40 Year Old Virgin, Ghostbusters, Godfather, Godzilla, Halloween, Happy Gilmore, Highlander, John Wayne Films, King Kong, The Mummy, Masters of the Universe, One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest, Nightmare on Elm Street, Night of the Living Dead, Psycho, Salem's Lot, Seven, The Shining, Silence of the Lambs, Spider-Man, Star Wars, Superman, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), TMNT, Tommy Boy, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Wedding Crashers, The Wedding Singer, The Wolfman, X-Men, Zorro
Basketball, Hockey, Football, Family Guy, Saturday Night Live, Simpsons, WWE Wrestling.
God, Jesus Christ, Batman, Superman, Hulk Hogan!