SAPPHIRE (Sapir/Lapis Lazuli):Sapphire discovered hip-hop at a very young age. She was a loyal viewer of YO! MTV's RAPS & Head Banger's Ball and has watched the growth in the music world come together. Even though she never even dreamed of becoming a rapper, she was inspired mostly by pioneers such as NWA, MC LYTE, DA BRAT and her favorite rapper of all time TUPAC. Sapphire loves all kinds of music and understands music is NOT black and white. She can relate to all kinds of music and feels as though music has no color barrier.Sapphire began her life as a troubled teen and started running away at age 11. She ended up in the streets at age 14 and has never looked back! By age 16, she was an exotic dancer at Magic City and learning fast the streets are mean. "Becoming a G, is not something you earn overnight", says Sapphire. "I have survived the streets and became a product of my environments". Sapphire has been exposed to "street life" for over 19 years. She has had her fair share of close calls. "The struggle is not based on color nor is it limited to one race". Being she was one of the first white women to have graced Magic City & Club Rollex's floors, she understands that no matter what color you are, you have to earn your respect. "Having heart is what has kept me alive", Sapphire states. "We all have to eat and life is a HUSTLE", she states clearly. Sapphire loves to sing the famous quote from what she calls her lyrical prophet, "ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE US NOW".Making it clear her life is a movie (how many parts we shall have to wait & see). She feels as though her path has been charted and not was a thing of chance!The name Sapphire (Saphir-Lapis Lazuli) comes from out of the BIBLE. Sapphire was born in Sept. and feels as though her life has been cursed for a major reason (voice of reason she claims), but states... it is also a BLESSING. Sapphire is a firm believer she has been allowed to walk her path and survive in order to redeem part of America's historical past. "I plan to touch on subjects most artists fear". "I want to be the voice of truth and enlightenment", she says. "It is time that the world can see THE TRUTH through my eyes."Sapphire discovered she had a gift about 4 years ago and since then has become a lyrical artist. She writes as a poet and seems to be able to reinvent herself with ease. Definately controversial, bibical, historical and political, Sapphire is a force ALL HER OWN.Sapphire is going to change the game and do something that has NEVER been done before!THE WORLD IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!
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