I LoVe YoU So MuCh....CoNgRaTuLAtIoNs SiS!!          **OnE Of My SiStErS LaSt NiGhTs OuT SiNgLe....YuP...ShEs GeTtInG MaRrIeD!!**           Myspace Layouts
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**A GiRlS BeSt FrIeNdS**Who KNOWS where I would be right Now...WITHOUT HIM!!!
I LoVe ALL Music....but I.... DeFeNiTlY LuV Me SoMe RaScAl FlAtTs!!!LuV My GiRlS!!
 ***My TWO FaVs!!***
My Mom she is the greatest person I have ever met. Big "D" as I know her IS the best cook in the world. She has helped me and my sis anytime we have needed her. I can confidently say that she did the a really great job raising Fatty and I, that is why she is my hero.