.Traditionally, i'm a visual artist and sound effectioneer.
Orthodox-Futurist, and 'coiner' of the term Art De'veau©.
i'm also a Master of Ceremonies For Hire!!!!!
This Medium includes - R.A.W., Bill Hicks?, and Lovecraftian type Theosophical Humor, Discordian-SubGenious-StuOpid Movement entertainment, and CHAOS Magi(H)©K(on record at the Flagstaff Police Department)! A fine performance blend. Incidently, Magical Paintings, Musical Albums, Hymn and Program Periodicals, and Video Projects will be available for Personal Possesion! -BHU'h! ...
Formerly of 'MILLA RASPA' and 'The Esoteric Sisterhood Of The White Raven'.....
Alias' up until now include.....
Pedro Dia (Beckhombre):(Painter-Illustrator),
Phoebe Lucifudge(My 'Anima' looks good in a dress): -(Percussionist/OilDrums & Gas Tanks -Noise/Radio, CassettePlayer, &Phonographs),
Pope Pedrodja: (Minister Ad-Ministrator of TheDECiMALPOiNT-Circ Le ChuR.C.'H),
Prof.Unmun Dane MPhd.: (Author-Researcher of The StuopidMovement),and HeadMaster of NEW MISKATONIC UNIV.
theTwilightStranger: (TimeTraveler-SpaceAdventurer of Comics, T.V., and Film),
Dr. H.P. Lovecast MD.: (Sitting Chairman-Director/DiRECT HOTPOiNT LOVECAST MEDiA DiViSiON & MYSTERY ACTION THEATER or M.A.TH.), and
Petie Barnum: (RingLeader-Founder of the Black Hat Ureuses).
Dieter 'Strangelove' Detek: (G(h)abber Schlagboxer for DETEK ALARMS)
- Eternally known as:
Peter Day Beckman: (CIRCLE DRAWER)!
...................!! PAINTINGS NOW POSTED AT http://www.groups.myspace.com/peterdaybeckman