(On this page.. it's all ABOUT ME!)
I'm almost 129 years old (I tell people that I'm 100 so they'll think I'm younger). I've cleaverly, and successfully disguised myself as a responsible adult. Truth is.... I don't wanna grow up!!! I don't smoke and I don't drink, that much. Usually when I'm awake, IT'S PARTY TIME! When it comes to having fun, I NEVER use an excuse like "It's too far to drive" or "I have to work tomorrow" (unless it's too far to drive or I have to work tomorrow). I work hard in my life, but work won't be hard on my life!! I've even turned my lawn emo so it would cut itself. I'm looking to make some friends since I don't have any. I'm serious when I have to be (yeah right), really I joke about everything (and I mean everything). I even joke and laugh about myself. I enjoy making people laugh & I love it when someone connects on the same level to understand my sarcasm & humor. I've been told that I act like.... "....such a guy." Well, now that's because I'm a lesbian. That's right, I only licke women. Understand now, we all have our weaknesses.... I'm addicted to crack.... and cleavage.
(DISCLAIMER: DDavidd brings hours of satisfaction. Use of DDavidd will bring happiness to your life. Use at your own risk. No assembly required. Batteries not needed. Attitude subject to change without notice. If your smile last more than 4 hours, see your doctor.)
Don't take life too seriously.. you'll never get out alive!
(Write that down.)
Hater's get out Bring It On!!!