Bringin Sexy Back! profile picture

Bringin Sexy Back!

About Me

10/5/2008 - Facebook is starting to scare me. I'm getting Friend Adds from people I barely knew 15 years ago in college. How and why did they find me on there?
7/18/2008 - I just got a webcam and I'm on Skype. If you are too, add me to your contacts and make me feel like I have friends. The email you can search for me is [email protected]
What I cooked today:
I've been terrible about updating the "What I Cooked Today" archive. I've been really lazy about it. Not about cooking, I've been doing a ton of that. I've just been lazy about sharing my recipes. Off the top of my head, I've recently cooked:
BBQ Ribs
Blueberry Muffins
Chicken Tikka Masala
Cuban Sandwiches
Pasta Primavera w/ Garlic Bread
Homemade Chicken Stock
Spinach and Artichoke Dip in a Bread Bowl
Steamed Lobster
Loaded Potato Skins
Tex-Mex Burritos
Beef Chili
Buffalo Wings
Fruit Smoothies
Bananas Foster
If you'd like the recipes for anything at all, hit me up and I'd be happy to provide it.
Best always, jay

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A group of complete strangers in a public place. Then we'd all break into a synchronized dance number.

My Blog

APW Revisited

We're finally back home after a nomadic month. It was fun, but exhausting. The last leg of our travels took us to Baltimore and Washington DC with Lauren and Terry. We managed to squeeze in a Yankees/...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Aug 2008 00:21:00 GMT

The Holy City of Las Vegas

Well, I promised blogs from the road, so here's the first (and most likely only) one.The last 2 weeks have been hectic, insane and crazy all wrapped into one.  My parents came up to visit from Ja...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 04:43:00 GMT

What I Cooked Today: The Archive

6/30/2008 The Ultimate Ghetto OmeletteThis one goes out to my man Jimbo. . . 3 eggs, beaten1/4 cup diced Spam1/4 cup shredded Velveeta1 tbsp butterpepper to taste Put the butter in a non-stick skill...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:22:00 GMT

Running bad and n00bies make Jay angry.

Just a little catharsis before I go to bed. Poker has been going bad. I mean BAD. I've lost just about every hand I've played for the past month. Set-under-set. Missed draws. Flopping 2 pair out of t...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 22:17:00 GMT

Quiz - Ikea or LOTR?

OK folks, no cheating with google.  Below are 33 words.  Some are items that you can find at your local Ikea.  The rest are characters, items or places from Lord of the Rings.  See...
Posted by on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 06:52:00 GMT

A musical blog

A music critic on Yahoo recently wrote a blog on the 10 most influential albums in his life. He had some good choices on his list and it got me thinking; which 10 albums have played the biggest role ...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 16:54:00 GMT

A Mid-August Life Update

My sleep schedule is kinda screwed up lately, so I'm hoping that typing will make me sleepy.  My life is quite busy lately.  I haven't been spread this thin since my third year at Columbia ...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 00:24:00 GMT

Fantasy World Series of Poker. . sounds cool, huh?

So most everyone who knows me knows that my 2 favorite hobbies are gambling and fantasy sports.  So, this year I've found a way to combine them by setting up a fantasy World Series of Poker leagu...
Posted by on Sun, 06 May 2007 16:56:00 GMT