music that 'means' something, all cultures of the world, writing, fighting injustice
i guess there is no one that i want to meet that i have not already met. some of them i would like to see again and perhaps i will. if i focus on the good and pray for enlightenment, maybe i will achieve my hearts desire..even if i do not -will not that make me a better person?
Michael Buble', Keith Urban, Alan Jackson, Norah Jones, Tracy Lawrance, Regae'REMEMBER WHEN LISTENING TO THIS SONG-HOME IS WHERE THE HEART ISVideo code provided by
MONK, with Tony Shalub. He is a fabulous Iranian actor and man. discovery network and the history channel.
Carl Ballard, Brandi Alghamdi,Yaseen Haider, Marvin Phillips, Jesus Christ, Paul and anyone who stands up for truth and justice ( these are people whos' character was tested and they held strong)