I began doing pageants at 3 years of age and branched over to modeling soon after.. I stopped modeling and pageantry at age 6 and went to dancing & sports.
Modeling remained a passion of mine, so it was hard to stay away from it.. I quickly got back into modeling at 14 years of age and I have been doing shoots and accepting work ever since. I'm passionate about more than just modeling.. I also enjoy spoken word, ACTING & reading murder mysteries. I've always worked hard, especially at my passions. I'm currently a "pageant girl" [2007 Miss Sunburst Ohio]..one could say I've always been, I just kind of 'lost touch' with that side of me. I DO work.. two jobs in fact. So don't expect me to have open availability at the snap of a finger.
What you
should know
I am very professional! At this point in my life I feel like I've learned alot of valuble lessons and have been educated enough to know what is expected of me.
I may have made some mistakes priviously with my path to reach my goals...I've smacked myself on the hand and learned from the experience. I am an adult now.
As of this moment I am 100% serious and 100% willing to do what it takes to reach my goal. Please do not waste my time with pointless messeges.. I am here to network and get work.
During a shoot... you can expect me to be pretty outgoing.. I am capable of posing myself. I do, however, like to be guided.. not so much with specifics..but WHAT kind of image you're wanting, as the photographer, at that moment... [speaking on a TFP basis]. If I'm paying you, understand that I'm giving you my hard earned money based on the fact that I think your photos are great and I'm looking for a specific style/look for my book. If you contact me and ask me to set something up with you, I will assume that you will be trading or paying me for my time.
I like to shoot about 3-4 looks [Unless otherwise indicated]in effort to bring out the most of each look. [again, speaking on TFP basis].
with me
As far as booking goes... please contact me via MySpace [or ModelMayhem] and we will discuss your ideas and/or exchange further contact information. I am a very open minded individual when it comes to modeling.. however I DO NOT shoot nude or pornographic material.
Right now I am looking for PAiD work. I am open to TFP if I feel that it will benefit my portfolio.
I am HIGHLY interested in promotional work.. I network with a very diverse group of other promotional models I can contact as well!
If you're located outside of the Columbus area..and you would like me to travel to you to shoot.. I ask that YOU NOTIFY ME AT LEAST 2 WEEKS IN ADVANCE AND TRANSPORTATION COSTS BE COVERED.
So far.. some of my credits -aside from working with numerous photographers [references available upon request]- include:
[*]featured fitness model...www.collegeflex.com
[*]Featured Spokesmodel...www.onlinespokesperson.com
[*]Promotional Model @ various local venues
[*]Featured runway model Atmoic Designs Fashion Show -see flyer at left-
[*]Featured runway model Pricillas intimate appearl fashion show @ Club Ice
2007 Miss Sunburst Queen Ohio
I appreciate all the support that my family & friends have given me.. I appreciate the suppport that 'fans' have given me.. it's hard to say I have fans lol =) Anyone who's reading these words THIS far.. I truly appreciate YOU!