Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.comWhat is there to say? Anyone who knows me already will know that I'm an actual freak really. At university I am generally regarded to be a cross between Elliot from Scrubs and Bridget Jones. I am extremely neurotic. I use the word actually far too much and like to speak en Français on occasion. I am obsessive about numerous things, including stationary, cleaning, grammar, punctuation and spelling. People who can't spell the word definitely really annoy me. I have more irrational phobias than you can shake a stick at, meaning don't take me anywhere near a bird, don't ever touch my feet or my elbows and it'll take all of about 30 seconds to give me a stress-related rash if you try hard enough. Anyone who didn't know me before reading the above should now see how much of a weirdo I really am. I think I've seen "Mean Girls" more than is naturally healthy, and I can quote the entire thing...though I'm never allowed to since it's obviously extremely annoying. I also hate people on Deal or No Deal who faff around. And I love to find interesting words. Current favourites include: ESCHEW, paradigm, AMALGAMATED and fastidious.Originally from Berkshire, I'm currently at Sheffield University studying Law. I use the word "studying" loosely...I'm having so much fun here, it's brilliant. I have absolutely bizarre taste in music. For example I know the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack inside out. And I love Westlife. But I can be quite cool sometimes. Sometimes. I don't read nearly enough any more but I do love to. And I love to travel, not that I've really done much of it, though Japan is the most amazing place I've ever been and I'd do anything to go back.
My Interests
Student life. Bloody love it.
I'd like to meet:
Gordon Ramsay.
Boo, you whore.
What is the use of a book, without pictures or converations?