+The Year of the Locust+
I Would Like To Meet Kim Jong IL - Anyone Who Try's To Help Blow Up American Jack-Asses' & The Bush Family is a Friend of Nikoma - It's Population Control ("Natural Selection" - for those with sensitive feelings (O_o) Dummies)...
He's Not That Crazy... O.K, O.K, He's Crazy... Just Like Me!
CURRENT MOOD AS OF 1/22/09: "I'M A SUPER VILLIAN - With some WAR PAINT and jokes done in POOR TASTE, we'll see who Laughs Last; all the way to Foreign Banks..."
.:PREVIOUSLY - Tempus Fugit:.
These day's I keep to myself; People and their Chronos/Khronos Crisis would Kill me if I Engaged... Yet, it would be nice to be able to leave my house "For Once," and have a decent conversation on constructive matters. Can anyone teach me anything? I am sick of raising everyone's kids... I am looking forward to 2012 and Niburu's Effects on this Planet. It will most likely lead to Natural Selection. And I like the way that sounds; I can not stand Traffic one Decade Longer. *wink*
.: Young Hot Female Desperately Seeking Intellectual Intercourse :.
People who are open-minded, Intelligent, Educated, Honest, Spiritual, No-Aryans Need Apply, Funny and Motivated to make the world we live in a better place (or we could just turn the whole place into compost and try in another 10,500 years).... I know... Don't say it... I'm on the WRONG Planet for any of the above...
Sadly enough, I'd Wear Armani if They'd Endorse me so People who are Poor can Rob me and Forcefully Sex me Up...
.: The Dumbing Down of America consists of - Children of the Matrix + Sheeple = The Bewildered Herd with a hint of Reptilian Agenda :.
Blank Stare, Disappear, There's a Big Black Hole Gonna eat me up Someday - (But) Someday Fades away Like a Memory - or a place that I'd rather be... Some Place, Lost in Space ther's an Itch in my Head That's Teliing me Somewhere. SOMEWHERE Out There, ANYWHERE I don't care JUST GET ME OUTTA HERE! - NIN "Deep"
Do Me and Yourself a favor and TURN THE TV OFF! 54 picture frames per second flashing at your retina cant be good for you. I don't know how you people can sit and watch T.V. It baffles the mind and destroys the imagination... Dissassociate Dreams and Split Personailies is all the "Idiot Box" can offer you. Did I Mention Subliminal Messages with Hidden Symbolism and Masonic Mind Control? You probably have no Idea what Im talking about... Most of you Wouldn't now would you... Lemmings and Cattle!
.: Please Refrence :.
Timmothy Leary, Credo Mutwa, David Icke, or my Favorite
Intelligence is a gift and truth is infectious. Take time out to appreciate things that are truly important to us. "If you Don't Give me Heaven I'll Raise Hell!"
Lest' we forget -
"You belong to this Planet, This Planet does not belong to you!" - Nikoma Lee 2007
"People are such a waste of time, and people will waste your time if you let them." - My Father 1992
"You can always tell a person by their conversation. If your speaking to a fool, expect to have a foolish conversations on foolish matters." - My Father 1997