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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

"So You Want To Know About Me Do You? Hmmm, Good Luck With that. I'm More Likely to Kill You Than Kiss You."
.: The UnVeiling +Coming Mid-2009+ The Year Of The Locust :.
+A Graphic Novel Series By: Sekhmet - Formerly - Nikoma Lee+
[email protected]
ETHNICITY: An Egyptian and Anunnaki Hybrid "The Other Mixes Don't Matter. I Become More Pure Each Month. "Bad Blood Will Out"
EARTH QUESTION (1) "In The Event Of A Full Scale Alien Invasion; How Prepared Do you Think This Planets Defenses Will Be? I Demand you, TELL ME!"
EARTH QUESTION (2) "What Difference Does it Make How Your Pathetic World Ends? The Chronos Will Kill. Homo-Sapiens."
TEMPERAMENT: 2.5 - Colder Than The Under-Side Of Your Pillow
RELIGION: Setian (Egyptian) A Divine Aspect of Sutek = Set
FETISH: Blood Magick (I Teach Magick & Energy Work) I DO NOT TEACH MOST; I INVITE YOU, DO NOT ASK ME...
SEKHMET IS: Always In A Bad Mood, Alone, A Shape-Shifter, Anti-Humanity, Homesick & Stay's For The Good Of The Invasion...
SEKHMET WILL: Gladly Tell you What She's Up Too. We Are At The Top of The Food Chain; Besides, No One Will Believe it/you Anyway...
INVASION OBJECTIVE: There Are Only "2" Reasons Aliens Would Invade Earth. (1) To Help Humans Evolve & Further Your Knowledge About the Multi-verse (2) We Used Up All Our Resources & Are Looking For Another Planet To Harvest
+And There is A 100% Chance Were Hostile, Which Means (2)+
FUTURE HIDDEN AGENDAS: Project R.E. & The L.O.A.H. Satellite
FAVORITE FOOD: Homo-Sapien/Cattle (A.K.A. Beef) As Rare As The Law Will Allow
REAL NAME: Sekhmet Pasha-Jeelan Su-Amun
NICK NAME: King (My Real Name Translates to King of Gods)
HATES: How Much Time You Have? HollyWeird/T.V., Most Foods, The Police, Modern Women, Dogs, People, Porn, Las Vegas, Tweekers, Blond's, Hookers, Clubs, Fags, Pork, Dairy *Past-Your-Eyes*, Actors/Affiliates, Asian Girls,
+Ray Savant+
Lets Just Sum It up & Say Earth
WAR COLORS: Black & Gold
WAR PAINT: The Eye Of The Egyptian Sun God. Bow To "RA"
WARCRY: Similar to That of the Earth Hyena in the Phylum: Chordata - Binomial name: Crocuta "Ha Ha Ha & Ha!"
SEKHMET IS: A Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind. This Is An Invasion, Try to Keep Up
GOALS: If I Succeed In Re-Making The World. Out of The 6.4 Billion Only 144,000 Of You May Stay. Those Excluded - "Go Extinct Quietly; It Would Be Wise Not To Anger Me"
WESTERN MEDICINE: Ask Your Dr./Dealer If Blah, Blah, Blah is Right For You... Or You Can Take Pills From The-Rapist... Therapist...
QUOTES: "Goals Are The Chronos Of A Dreamer." - Sekhmet 2007
FAVORITE CATCH PHRASE: "Can I Kill Em'?" OR "Die, Die, Die Sad Little Earth Monkey's!"
CONTACT SEKHMET: I'm training From 7:00am Till 3:00pm &
I Do Not Leave The House Until After 7:00pm (I Fast Daily)
MOTTO: "Its My Birth-Right To Kill Killers; You Can't F*ck With Fate"
OUR NEW EARTH: I Changed The Name of Earth, Let's Re-Create. It is Now Officially "Amun."
+I Am The Architect of Your Future+
"I'm Cold-Blooded"
+The Year of the Locust+
*OCCAM'S RAZOR* - Philosopher, Protege, Entrepreneur, Student, Scholar, Super Genius/Borderline Nutcase, Comic Book Artist, Entertainer, Dancer, Truth Seeker, Artist, Animal Lover, Gamer, Horse-Back Rider, Pop-Rock Singer, Geisha, Notorious Party Girl, Lover of Love, Anti Social - Social-light, Anti-Machine, Conserver of Nature from The city of Los*T* Angel*E* 's residing in Downtown Los Angeles.
I'm an advocate of the NATURAL Pharmaceutical Industry A.K.A. Hollistic Healing A.K.A. "Smoke Pot." I was previously attending UCLA to obtain my graduate degree in Architecture, but I realized that College isn't for everyone and I was in Serious Danger of having my Dreams Killed, so; I dropped out.
.:Breifing - Why do all of you Live in a Three-Dimensional Cement Neo-Roman Hell Hole? I Feel Like I'm the Crazy One! Not Likely... Sad little Earth Monkey's :.
"Expect the unexpected and become the Architect of your own existence..." - Nikoma Lee 2007 Blogs - How psycho can a girl truly be? - Ray Savant MySpace Blog

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

+The Year of the Locust+

I Would Like To Meet Kim Jong IL - Anyone Who Try's To Help Blow Up American Jack-Asses' & The Bush Family is a Friend of Nikoma - It's Population Control ("Natural Selection" - for those with sensitive feelings (O_o) Dummies)...

He's Not That Crazy... O.K, O.K, He's Crazy... Just Like Me!

CURRENT MOOD AS OF 1/22/09: "I'M A SUPER VILLIAN - With some WAR PAINT and jokes done in POOR TASTE, we'll see who Laughs Last; all the way to Foreign Banks..."

.:PREVIOUSLY - Tempus Fugit:.

These day's I keep to myself; People and their Chronos/Khronos Crisis would Kill me if I Engaged... Yet, it would be nice to be able to leave my house "For Once," and have a decent conversation on constructive matters. Can anyone teach me anything? I am sick of raising everyone's kids... I am looking forward to 2012 and Niburu's Effects on this Planet. It will most likely lead to Natural Selection. And I like the way that sounds; I can not stand Traffic one Decade Longer. *wink*

.: Young Hot Female Desperately Seeking Intellectual Intercourse :.

People who are open-minded, Intelligent, Educated, Honest, Spiritual, No-Aryans Need Apply, Funny and Motivated to make the world we live in a better place (or we could just turn the whole place into compost and try in another 10,500 years).... I know... Don't say it... I'm on the WRONG Planet for any of the above...

Sadly enough, I'd Wear Armani if They'd Endorse me so People who are Poor can Rob me and Forcefully Sex me Up...

.: The Dumbing Down of America consists of - Children of the Matrix + Sheeple = The Bewildered Herd with a hint of Reptilian Agenda :.

Blank Stare, Disappear, There's a Big Black Hole Gonna eat me up Someday - (But) Someday Fades away Like a Memory - or a place that I'd rather be... Some Place, Lost in Space ther's an Itch in my Head That's Teliing me Somewhere. SOMEWHERE Out There, ANYWHERE I don't care JUST GET ME OUTTA HERE! - NIN "Deep"

Do Me and Yourself a favor and TURN THE TV OFF! 54 picture frames per second flashing at your retina cant be good for you. I don't know how you people can sit and watch T.V. It baffles the mind and destroys the imagination... Dissassociate Dreams and Split Personailies is all the "Idiot Box" can offer you. Did I Mention Subliminal Messages with Hidden Symbolism and Masonic Mind Control? You probably have no Idea what Im talking about... Most of you Wouldn't now would you... Lemmings and Cattle!

.: Please Refrence :.

Timmothy Leary, Credo Mutwa, David Icke, or my Favorite -MICHAEL TSARION -

Intelligence is a gift and truth is infectious. Take time out to appreciate things that are truly important to us. "If you Don't Give me Heaven I'll Raise Hell!"

Lest' we forget -

"You belong to this Planet, This Planet does not belong to you!" - Nikoma Lee 2007

"People are such a waste of time, and people will waste your time if you let them." - My Father 1992

"You can always tell a person by their conversation. If your speaking to a fool, expect to have a foolish conversations on foolish matters." - My Father 1997

My Blog

"Im Going to get you On the Flipside!"

"Im going to get you on the Flipside!" I've killed myself, I've been born again; With razor fang's for these bitter men; I Fell then Ra, came for my Fate; I've cloned my soul and th...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 20:07:00 GMT

"Children of the Matrix - Follow the White Rabbit"

"Children of The Matrix" "The New World Order Want's You..."Dead... Michael Tasrions refrences world government and Say's: "Someone can try to sell you something but you dont have to buy it.....
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:11:00 GMT

"Adolf Hitler NEVER Said, White Power! He Was a Revolutionary!"

"Adolf Hitler NEVER Said, White Power! He was A Revolutionary - READ!" Skinheads are dumb... They can't speak English well so it's not wrong to assume that they can't speak German. Ich spreche le...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 06:34:00 GMT

+The Savior of Germania+

"The Savior of Germania" I agree with the, "National Socialism Movement." I am also a supporter of Adolf Hitler and have a deeper understanding of why the Reich was formed. There are time...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 19:47:00 GMT

"Kim Jong IL Phoever! Get Better Baby!"

"Kim Jong IL Phoever! Get Better Baby!" I know what most of you are thinking... "I know, I'm out of my pho-king mind." But I'm O.K. with it, so don't waste your breath trying to make me feel bad ab...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 23:47:00 GMT

"Nikoma You Commie Bitch" I Love Kim Jong IL

"Nikoma You Commie Bitch" I Love Kim Jong IL Now Lets start with the 10 Million Dollar Question... Why does Nikoma love Kim Jong IL...? Kim Jong IL is Fly! He's one of the very few Dictator...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 06:06:00 GMT

"Brown Punk; A Film by Tricky"

"Brown Punk; A Film by Tricky" Please Check out this Film and support the artist "Tricky." True - he gets on my fuckin nerves and were not speaking at the moment *again*. But, that doesnt cha...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 23:35:00 GMT

"A Message to the Women of America"

"A Message to the Women of America"O.K. Ladies Listen up! -  There is a real power struggle going on between men and women. We blame the men and the Men blame us. Let me tell you Ladies something...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 22:45:00 GMT

+The Nature of The Threat+

"The Nature Of The Threat" "The End to Westernization& The True Nature of the Threat." "Kill Whitey" "Racism - Lack of understanding *The Origin of Ignorance* Let's Break The Cycle. Were all ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 04:04:00 GMT

+Paris Hilton Kills Her Puppy - Oops My Ass+

"Paris Hilton Kills Her Puppy - Oops My Ass" O.K Before I begin my rants on the appalling abomination that Hollyweird has become, I would just like to say that Paris Hilton has been nothing short o...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 01:23:00 GMT