Sin duda tengo un gran abanico musical, por eso me propongo no cerrarme a ninguna cultura desconocida, es bueno saber que hay cosas por descubrir, aunque algunas puedan resultar de mal gusto…pero al lo menos, las tengo en cuenta.-
Jamás tuve un maestro de baterÃa, soy autodidacta.-
En 1996 decidà comenzar a estudiar y ahà fue cuando me compre mi primer libro de baterÃa (Iniciación y proyección de Kaly Espòsito), fue gracioso, por que lo que sabÃa interpretar por oÃdo, luego lo comencé a entender a través de la lectura. He estado en diferentes bandas Under de Capital Federal (Argentina); Demos grabados y muchas presentaciones en Pubs, Bares, Teatros, conciertos al aire libre etc.-
Siempre me maneje independientemente, con libros y clÃnicas que me he comprado... ahora estoy estudiando "Conversations in Clave" by Horacio "El Negro" Hernández.-///Without a doubt I have a great musical fan, for that reason I set out not to close itself to no unknown culture, is good for knowing that there are things to discover, although some can be from badly taste… but to the minus, I consider them. -
I never had a drums teacher, I am self-taught. -
In 1996 I decided to begin to study and there it was when it buys my first book to me of battery (Initiation and projection of Kaly Espòsito), was graceful, so that what knew to interpret by ear, soon I began it to understand through the reading. I have been in different Under bands from Buenos Aires City (Argentina); Let us give to engravings and many presentations in Pubs, Bars, Theaters, concerts outdoors etc. -
It always handles to me independently, with books and clinics that I have bought myself… now I am studying “Conversations in Clave†by Horacio “El Negro†Hernandez. -Usher - Yeah (PowerRemix) by SEBAS+DRUMS
The Police - Message In A Bottle by SEBAS + DRUMS
Michael Jackson - Jam (remix) by Sebas +Drums