Email me if you want to shoot or to talk about projects/business.
Hey, Yo, win'gop'o! I'm a photographer, image editor/retocher and one day a teacher of these skills i build and learn.
I like to create dramatic and passionate images. I'm first and Artist, 2nd a photographer. My shoots are lived in the moment:) it's important to have a great time while shooting. I'm very relaxed and go with the flow of things. I don't plan to much in detail. I usually come up with everything while out shooting with a general idea of the look, style, settings and cloths and adapting as things unroll
I make improvements in leaps almost by the shoot.I work with April Frampton, She does my Make-up and Hair from time to time.
Asking Photographers to shoot for free thats put THOUSANDS! in equipment. Put sweat and tears into studying, learning and building their skills is, well rude. The Money we charge goes into keeping our equipment running and the purchase of new equipment to keep us shooting and further us along too. I need several more lights, Power packs, Light Modifiers, Camera bodies, Lens, Computer Hardware, Radio Slaves, and replacement equipment. I'll do trade work for any of the above equipment:)
I will be doing TFP here and there, With those who take their work serious, who are talented and got skills. If you want to shoot with me Read my blog "New Job". I'm looking at doing Fine Art work.
Matthew Thain Photography Online Gallery
My Email :