You may hear the name Beans N Rice and think, "what a shitty band name." Or you may think, "what a kick ass name for the baddest blues rock fusion band in these parts."But chances are you dont give a shit one way or the other and bless you for that. But this post blues band-o-misfits aint foolin' about, momo. Whether playing for charity or jamming out at a local gig, these guys are never shy of a good beer and a good show. With the release of their first EP, In the key of C minus, on New Years eve '09 the guys are looking forward to continually broadening the reaches of their music. They are having a blast doing what they do and feel very thankful for the support they have received from friends and fans. So be on the look out for these guys and never think twice about having a heaping helping of Beans N Rice.(BIO OUTAKES)
With a plague of bad promotion and a junkie bassist these guys manage to break even for their monthly P.A. rental from Rock N' Roll Rentals which is a considerable acheivement because 90% of the time at least
50% of the band is unemployed. Now as you read this you may be thinking "what a bunch of losers"--but wait a second. Ready guys!? 1,2,3,4... (press play on promotional Beans n Rice compact disc or myspace player)(Band quote outtakes)
-Kurt, Rene, Marcus, Dustin. Four guys. four dreams...2 burned out rye. 2 let down mexicans. Beans n rice. .
-Blasting out of new braunfels is one the hottest bands to boil out da rock n roll kettle.
-In a world...filled with lame music comes the newest addition of lame music. bnr. (:)But really though our music is the shizzznit. So please book us :)
-B n R is nothing without their drummer. melissa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOOODIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!