Defying Gravity profile picture

Defying Gravity

About Me

Yo kid, I ish be Dylan and I wish I lived in Osaka, Japan. I'm socially awkward and can be an asshole. My advice is to get over it. I trust nobody...well except one person <3333 but other than that, It takes alot for me to trust people. I love video games and I try to play them whenever I get the chance. I go off on odd tangents such as I dunno...I like sushi and Dr. Pepper. Rwar...I'm awesome ;]

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

First Name: Dylan
Middle Name: Something with an N...
Birthday: September 28th
Eyes: Green
Hair: Dirty blonde?
Fav color: Cadmium Yellow.
Day/Night: Midnight
Fave Food: Asian rwar rwar.
Do you ever wish you had another name? I guess?
Do you like anyone? Imma looking.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? Honestly...none of them.
Who's the loudest? Christina.
Who have you known the longest of your friends? I unno.
Who's the shyest: Danie.
Are you close to any family members? kinda.
When you cried the most: grr..
What's the best feeling in the world: Being happy, duh.
Worst Feeling: ...Geometry.
Let's walk on the: path together.
Let's run through: the meadow! yay!
Let's look at the: funny ugly people.....
What a nice: hairstyle...can I have your scalp?
Where did all the: penguins go?
&..39;Why can't you: ' go away and never come back into my exsistence.
Silly, little: rabbit, tricks are for kids.
Tell me: why the hell you're here...
Ran away from home: No...I've felt like it.
Pictured your crush naked: Hahahahaha
Skipped school: Yeah *cough* im sick.
Broken someone's heart:
Cried when someone died: yeah.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: Always.
Done something embarrassing: 24/7
Done a drug: Never.
Cried in school: first grade.
Your Good Luck Charm: My necklace.
Person You Hate Most: That one guy....
Best Thing That Has Happened: when the little aztec people invented coffee...
Ice Cream: Random?
WHO Makes you laugh the most: Muffy.
Makes you smile: Chrissy.
Has A Crush On You: Besides Chrissy....that one creepy girl...
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: Yesh
Fallen for your best friend?: ... *sigh*
Made out with JUST a friend?: well that one time at the party...
Kissed two people in the same day?: Yeah.
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: I'm not a player.
Been rejected: . Yes
Been in love?: What is love?
Been used?: Who hasnt?
Done something you regret?: Yepo.
Cheated on someone?: Never.
Been called a tease: I guess, I unno.
You touched?: Christina.
You talked to on the phone?: Andrew.
You hugged?: Ria.
You instant messaged?: Mikey and his stoopid self.
You kissed?: Mom?
You yelled at?: Dog.
Who text messaged you?: Andrew
Who broke your heart?: ...................................................
Who told you they loved you?: Alot of people..


My Blog

the meaning of lyfe..

Posted by on Tue, 05 May 2009 21:44:00 GMT

Giraffes dont exsist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

Check out this video: Giraffes dont exsist Danielle is awesome...!!!
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 19:49:00 GMT

Dance Ferrets!

Check out this video: Ferrets
Posted by on Wed, 08 Apr 2009 16:52:00 GMT