About Me
Okay HELL greetings i should at least put some color on my profile so i'm typing this crap out haha!. Kay, Lets start with my AGE! (LOL) i am actually 20 years old and more 20's to come hehehe, i love what i am right now though somehow it seemed not enough haha! more extreme more rad more PARTY! hahaha HELL NO i am not a party animal.. what i meant party is ONE FCUKIN SLEAZY M0THERFCUKER WHO LOVES TO ROCKNROLL and live the life on the road.. like im very spontaneous AND NEVER PLANNED. so ummm i love listening to METAL, ROCKNROLL, HEAVY FCUKIN METAL! like everything that shreds guitars and screaming beasts and that sort of things.. demonic, dirty, technical, sexy, rhythmic, i can bang my head on (literally). I can also appreciate Glamrock (Hair Metal, C0ckrock, BOYS BOYS BOYS HAHAHA) i like being pampered, taken good care of when i get drunk, wasted, stoned, seduced, kissed, hugged, fcuked (ahhhh!!! depends.. excuse me im not affordable and i am not a SL*T.. i know people who i can fcuk with HAHAHA!) if you think I AM A SL*T then it'd be best to STAY AWAY FROM ME! i am one SL*T! YOU DONT WANNA MESS WITH! hmmm what else.. ahh yes i am like iron hahaha i go to the GYM to get fit Somehow feeling healthy is great and living healthy is like heaven! though RARELY i get caught drinkin and smoking with friends, so STAYING HEALTHY is like forever to do! let's all not DIE YOUNG yet hahaha. umm.. i love FAMILY they're NUMBER ONE in my
heart, my BOYFRIEND who is always teasin me and lovin me bang bang bang! haha, FRIENDs AS ALWAYS! always there for me when i am in pain, annoyed, crushed and the blues; SOME OF THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ALWAYS RESPECTING ME WELL AND MY BROTHERS OF METAL!
yes im stuck with METAL since there aren't any existing glamrockers here in my town hahaha! but i know umm.. minimum people that are like me... hahahaha i dont know about the others.. usually skinny pants and eyeliners OWNED emo and punk hahaha. so umm basically I AM WHAT I AM.. and know one really cares bout my random musings here on myspace so i dont give an F either haha if you do care I'D BE DELIGHTED TO HAVE YOU AS A FRIEND! nice one!
umm.. what else? i am not the usual GIRL, typical tit pussy.. i can say I AM UNIQUE by attitude, by love, by friendship, by family and by everything! i can't say that i am one religious fcuker but i am very respectful to many things and forms in life.. i've been ACCUSED lotta times for being THE ANTI-CHRIST but fcuk it! i dont care! coz it AIN'T REAL!! hmm.. so umm.. im very open-minded! i love the sexiness and gracefulness of one's body make it P0RN, ART, HARDCORE, GOREY WHATEVER! as long as you feel confident about your body and very proud to have what is yours.. for those people who are connected to reality, LIKE REALITY IDIOCRACY, IGNORANCE, UNCIVILIZED, DOUCHEBAG, LOSER, ATTITUDE PROBLEM, SUPERB STUPIDITY, CLOSE-MINDED FCUK YOU ALL GO TO HELL SCUK SATAN'S BALLS! lol. i just dont like these kinds of people.. i bet freedom got blinded by their puny lil minds tsk tsk. hmm.. i am very SWEET, VERY CARING, VERY VERRRRY FUN TO BE WITH AND SOMETIMES.. NAUGHTY purrrr.. haha.. but hold yer horses cowboys! haha i have a boyfriend.. who makes me h0rny n happy haha.. but yes.. FRIENDS WELCOME TO MY WORLD! i dont care if its the opposite sexxx or girls, i just want you all to be an active friend in my life :) and no playin games hehehe. hmmm.. so umm i guess that's all fer now.. DAMNED IN HELL.. see you HELLATER! hehe