Mangosteen, Xango, health wellness, spirituality, the Creator, and Creation
Anyone and everyone! ESPECIALLY HEALTH NUTS AND THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM PAIN AND DISEASE or those who seek home employment with Xango! What is Xango? Okay now that you are still reading on... What it is is this... It is really simple... It is a fruit drink called Xango that comes from an Asian fruit called mangosteen. It contains a lot of anti-oxidents called Xanthones which eliminate free radicals that are in your blood stream. Xango has approximately 21,000 anti-oxidents per serving compared to other fruits such as blue berries which has like 800 per serving...Here is a list of ailments....31 Reasons to Drink Mangosteen JuiceTo view Scientific Studies on the Mangosteen go to and enter "Mangosteen" or "Xanthones" Also, go to www.MangosteenMD.comThis information is not intended as medical advice or intended for the treatment, cure, diagnosis or mitigation of a disease or condition.Persons with potentially serious medical conditions should seek professional care. 1. Anti-fatigue - Helps promote increase in ENERGY2. Anti-tumor and CANCER preventive (multiple means of cancer prevention cited) 3. Anti-aging - Promotes overall wellness; 4. Cardioprotective - protects the heart; 5. Hypotensive - blood pressure lowering; 6. Hypoglycemic - blood sugar lowering (ANTI-DIABETIC effect); 7. Immunostimulant - boost your immune system; 8. Anti-lipidemic - Lowers blood CHOLESTEROL; 9. Anti-obesity - helps with WEIGHT LOSS; 10. Anti-atherosclerotic - prevents hardening of the arteries 11. Antioxidant - Inhibits oxidation (neutralizes FREE RADICALS in the body) 12. Antibiotic - prevents or modulates bacterial infections 13. Antifungal -prevents fungal infections 14. Antiviral - prevents or modulates viral infections (helpful for dermatitis, ACNE, ringworm, etc.) 15. Anti-osteoporosis - helps prevent the loss of bone mass 16. Antiperiodontic - prevents gum disease 17. Anti-allergenic - prevents allergic reactions 18. Anti-seborrhic - prevents seborrhea (for example, the skin disease that causes dandruff) 19. Anti-calculitic - helps prevent kidney stones 20. Antipyretic - fever lowering 21. Antidepressant 22. Anxyolytic - anti-anxiety effect 23. Anti-Alzheimer, Anti-Parkinson - helps prevent these and other forms of dementia 24. Anti-arthritic - prevention of arthritis 25. Anti-diarrheal 26. Anti-neuralgic - reduces nerve pain (for example, diabetic neuropathy of the feet or hands) 27. Anti-vertigo - prevents dizziness 28. Anti-glaucomic - prevents glaucoma 29. Anti-inflammatory - helps decrease inflammation (helpful for ASTHMA, diverticulitis, hemorrhoid, BACK PAIN) 30. Anti-cataract - prevents cataracts 31. IT TASTES GOOD - No "acquired taste" required. Even CHILDREN love the TASTE and will ask for more. There are just some of the ailments, the more I talk to people the different ailments that are willing to share that this stuff eliminates or relieves. I encourage you to be skeptical... Do some research... If you are curious, I have contact phone numbers, websites, and email addresses of people who have been using the stuff and are willing to give their testimony about how Xango has changed their life and has made them heathier.