I'm very curious. I want to cultivate myself and the others. I want to discover the world.
My interest are : DRAWING; I make illustrations and portraits:
I like the works of Ray Caesar, Kaladen Gorkovan, Gwyneth, Giger, the artists of the Lowbrow, Mark Ryden, Christian Sas, Miss Van, Lambert Boris, Dali, Erro...
PHOTOGRAPHS; I take photographs in concerts, in nature...
My real pleasure are : Erwin Olaf, Lithium Picnic, Eric Martin, Viona-art, Ultimate Psycho, Andy Julia, Nath-Sakura, Anxiogène, Virginie Notte, Wednesday Mourning, Doralba, Korback, Aprella, Linographe, Nadya Lev... I love photographs of Fetish, modern pin-up, gothic lolita...MUSIC; I'm a bass player in a french band "Dance with the Gloom!"I love the night, when all is dark and strange and decadent.
I love the beauty of mysterious things.
I love all what is untouchable.
Christian Sas Michael Hussart Miss Van
Music is my passion. I love Gothic Music; Cold Wave, Batcave, Electro, New Wave, Goth Rock, Punk (sometimes metal)and again... This is my favourite bands who give me this passion: ,Jacky Bitch ; Deadfly Ensemble ; Other Day ; 45 Grave ; Rosa Crvx ; Depeche Mode ; Scary Bitches ; Eat your Make up ; Sex Beat ; New Skin ; Malice Mizer ; Despairs Ray ; Rammstein ; Mylene Farmer...
FILMS : , , , , ,
las vegas parano , Une nuit en Enfer,Ocean's eleven, Next, Lord of the Rings (I, II, III), Lost Highway, Battle Royal, Mars Attack, Riding the Bullet, Shining, Simetierre, Hostel, Psychose (I, II, III, IV), La nuit des morts vivants, ça, Carrie, Christine, SAW, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, Truman Show, Virgin Suicides, lot of Jacky Chan, the Crow, Aliens vs Predators, la ligne verte, la liste de Schindler, la vie est belle, E.T., Nemo, Monsters & cie, Vincent, Shrek (I, II, III)
READING : , L'étranger (Camus), Le Pianiste (Szpilman), Un tour sur le Bolid', Jessie (Stephen King), Higanjima, Le journal intime d'Ellen Rimbauer