Gli Stalker nascono dalle ceneri dei Kafka nell'estate del 2006.
Dopo un anno di prove e l'inserimento di Alberto degli Ex-Otago alla voce, sono pronti per nuovi concerti e avventure...
Stalker were formed in summer 2006 by members of Kafka. In 2007 Alberto from Ex-Otago joined the band and, after a year of rehearsal, playing a mix of Hardcore, Stoner and Post-rock, they are ready for new concerts and adventures...
21/06/09-- NO FEST! - SPAZIO 211 torino -
con :Agatha,Bologna Violenta,Cibo,Fuh,Fuzz Orchestra,Harshcore
Camillas,Morose,Personal Velocity,Sparkle in Grey
Uncles (con membri di Declino/5°Braccio/Negazione/C.O.V.), molti altri
18/04/09-- Genova @ Buridda
02/05/09-- La Spezia @ FEST
07/03/09-- Genova @ MILK + Evolution so Far + Lilium
18/10/08-- Genova @ Zapata + Evolution so Far + Incoming Cerebral Overdrive
12/07/08-- Ravenna @ Spartaco - Benefit Campagna AIP + Blank Stare, Downright, The Difference, Abel is dying, Mastic, To the embers, The Guilt show
07/06/08-- Genova @ Santo Rock Fest + Morkobot + 2 Novembre + others
23/05/08 -- Milano @ Dauntaun fest RELEASE PARTY! with Hell Demonio + Ne Travaillez Jamais + Gargantha + Evolution so Far + Fine Before You Came
19/04/2008 --- La Spezia @RDA MAY DAY - with Morkobot, Vanessa Van Basten, Oomboh .
15/09/2007 ---Bologna @ Anti MTV Day + Raein, G.I.Joe, Laghetto, Ovo, Afraid! , X-Mary, Rue De Van Gogh, Revolution Summer, Ouzo
20/10/2007 ---Genova @ new ghost + Vanessa Van Basten + Last Minute To Jaffna
13/09/08 ---Genova @ new ghost + Life at these speeds
07/07/08 --- Monza @ Boccaccio + Minnie's + La Quiete + The Infarto, Scheisse!
27/06/07 ---Genova @ MILKOUT FESTIVAL with Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti + Meganoidi + Teatro degli Orrori + Marti + Melt + En roco + Hermitage + We were onoff + Esmen
23/06/07 La Spezia @ CSA MAY DAY Feel Their Pain Fest 3 with Ban This! + Confronto + Eye Of Judgement + Gargantha + Regain The Shore + Swisssh! + The Infarto Scheisse! + To Kill + Overturned
13/06/07 ---Genova @ Buridda with Unsolved Problems Of Noise + Vanessa Van Basten