Saf. profile picture


Collecting friends for nothing time wasters and fakers please go away,I'm not here to ask for your a

About Me

A pair of Converse,Levi's,plain black shirt,some piercings,drum and the sticks.Lastly,my black and loud American bike.The rest of it I keep it into myself since nobody understand my attitude.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

<<< WARNING!!! >>>

If you found me approacing you,please be warned that I'm here genuinely serious only for friends making.Not asking for your attention and not for fulfilling your thirst of attention.I'm accepting rejection and approval with open arms,no hard feelings so don't you worry to do your rights genuinely.Myspace doesn't help much in chicks finding anymore,it's lame and I won't do that because it's like putting a shame of a desperado on myself,tolong faham please.

P/S: Genuine is the sincere,the honesty and the respect of sincerely,honesty and respect.I'm fussy for quality,it's not that complicated isn't it?