Member Since: 29/04/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Us and Us Only lately has consisted of -
Kinsey Matthews (songs, different instruments, singing)
Nate White (guitar, singing)
Victoria Stott (singing)
Zack Myers (drums)
Jason Iden (guitar)
Us and Us Only was and sometimes will be -
Eric "Dome" Oberlechner (drums)
Evan Wade - (bass guitar)
Anita Mowery (singing, words)
Jeffery Schofield (drums)
Pat Turner (guitar)
Ryan "motherfucking" Lash (bass guitar)
Angi Feck (cello, guitar, singing, words)
Faith Bailey (singing)
Shea O'Donnell (singing)
Sam Woodworth (chord organ, singing)
Lucas Rambo (percussion, singing)
Brandon Falk (drums)
Bob Shaw (bass guitar, singing)
Paul O'Sullivan (guitar, keyboard, singing)
and you?
Let me know if you want to play some things, live or recorded! This whole band is all about having something to get involved in. I think it's a swell idea.
I play or have played in, and still very much enjoy and support these bands -
Speak In Haiku
Dinner Party with Mr. Woodworth
See You Later, Oscillator
Another Reason to Hate Machines
Wolf Trap, Virginia
Pacific Before Tiger
Influences: Always everything forever.
Mount Eerie, Slow Ghosts, Jordaan Mason, Tanner Willow, The Mountain Goats, Earth, my friends bands, Genevieve Castree, RZA, everything ever.
Sounds Like: from -
"I recently discovered the music of Kinsey Matthews, a song writer that plays under the name of Us and Us Only. I’m pretty positive he used to play guitar for Another Reason to Hate Machines, a hardcore band from MD. He writes very honest and simple acoustic songs that seem to center around a bad breakup. Aside from being really catchy, I think the simple production on the songs makes me really enjoy them. It sounds like he set up a single microphone in his bedroom, played each song a few times, and kept the best performances. More artists should follow this approach. I want to hear stools squeaking and fingers dragging across the strings."
All of these albums are available for free at shows, but you can download them here sans the cool packaging, artwork, etc.
Thank you either way!
Summer 2009 - Dowry Hippo Radio Show podcast
This is a podcast that I was lucky enough to be featured on! I play a few songs from albums that aren't out quite yet, and a cover of the Florida band, Slow Ghosts. I also get interviewed and they play other awesome music too! Check it out at the link up there!
Summer 2008 - Horses Are A Beautiful Creature
with the help of Robert Shaw IV
1. Into My Home
2. You're No Octopi
3. Where's My Flux Capacitor?
Spring 2008 - The New Wives E.P.
1. New Wives
2. The Caves They Inhabit
3. Bizarre Pompadourian Table Ceramonies
4. Hello, I Forgot My Mantra
(earlier) Spring 2008 - Go-Go Gadget Heartstrings
with the help of Nate Kirk, Sam Woodworth, Paul O'Sullivan, and Lucas Rambo
1. Neeeigh
2. Thank Fuck for Airbags
3. Wah, Richard Gere
4. If You Were Blind, You'd Read Dicks Instead of Braille
5. Oh, Homeless
6. I'm the Baby
7. Double Dare 2000
8. I'm Not Sure Why It's Impossible to Get Close to Me
9. Praying Gives Me Rugburns
10. Nobody Took Us Home
11. Patch Adams
Fall 2007 - as "Autumnatopoeia" w/ Daughters of Quiet Branches (Woodworkings) - If I'm A Tree Then You're A Sap split
1. Cities of Lesser Signifigance
2. Bands With Managers (Pedro the Lion cover)
3. Making a Move is like Playing 'Don't Step in the Lava'
4. Options (yet another Pedro the Lion cover)
Record Label: DIY/Bad Pie Records?
Type of Label: Unsigned