I would like to meet Dat nigga Plies cuz he sexy Pretty Ricky damnn them my niggas of course Lil Kim cuz she just dat Bitch Ciara so i can ask her if she Dyking or what?? SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE Click here to make Falling Objects SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE SIMONE
I Barely stick around for movies, if i see a movie its goin g to have to be when it hits the movie theatre.
I dont really have a t.v show cuz i dont stay home to watch it but if i do it would most likely be BET.
Ha if I do have a favorite book it would definitly have to be i
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ntresting but books it really doesnt matter.
My mommy thats my MUHFUCKIN BOO BOO
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