-XERO- profile picture


Lets have fun.....and Fuck.

About Me

I'm just your average fun loving guy. I love to read, write, talk...not on the phone...I hate chatting on the phone unless it is with my best friend Manny; he's the only person I have met that I am able to converse with for longer than ten minutes. I know it sounds corny but i like the whole long walks on the beach thing. I also enjoy a good movie or hike. I say that i am pretty much a go for guy; I hate confrontation but not afraid of it. I am also a person who is a right there right now...i don't beat around the bush I just do, personaly i don't have the patience to wait...scorpio....we are water signs.I can be a little difficult to get to know, I do not trust many people and don't care for many as well; but you can ask anyone that knows me when your in...your in.

My Interests

Things that make Loud BOOM noises, Dudes, Chicks, Friends, Technology, GAMING!, Nature, Sex, Photography, Creating graphics; also making trouble, Kicking puppies, slaughtering humans, hiding the remote, you know...real sick shit. What else....talk to me to find out

I'd like to meet:

!!!YOU!!!In a Friend: A Person who likes to hang out and BS, hates drama, and knows how to keep in touch.In a guy: a genuine person is always a plus, I hate guys who try to play those fucked up games with a dude, And can't return your call/text. You Gotta have personality and like to go out and try something new, cant be in the closet, that shit is sad and pathetic; Hello if ppl can't accept you for you then Fuck em.In a girl: Honest, no head games, none of that complaining and bitching and moaning: you gotta be a down to earth shit don't phase me chicka. Also you gotta have some curves....no Calista Flockharts, Hiltons or Richies.If you just wanna fuck:....just kidding geez!If you are a big dope head go away, I know too many. BTW Before You Ask To Be My Friend, Make Sure We Talk Or Send A Message, Dont you hate it when people ask to be your bud, and you don't know them, Oh, and those fuck heads who look at your profile and then, decide oh no way, hey don't judge a book by it's cover.
Myspace Game Codes


Emo, Metal, Alternative, Techno, Rock, Rave, trance, classical the really disturbing stuff.No Knife - The Red Bedroom - Playing Now


VELVET GOLDMINE!!!, The Matrix, Anything Tim Burton,SLC Punk, Austin Powers, Queen of the Damned, Interview with a Vampire, The Forgotten, Team America, Meet the Fockers, Ladder 49, Both Borne movies, Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, Latter Days, Dune, LOTR, Kill Bill, Thirteen Ghosts, 300, Spiderman, X-Men, The Island, Twister, UnderWorld, Dark City, The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Hannibal Rising, Gladiator, A Beautiful Mind, I Robot, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Gothica, Dogma, Not Another Teen Movie, Not Another Gay Movie, Dude Wheres My Car?, Memoirs of a Geisha, Cruel Intentions, Minority Report, Holloween, Pitch Black, Pans Labyrinth, American Beauty, Bully, The listener and a whole ass load more.


Family Guy, Drawn Together, American Dad, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, MAD TV, Scrubs, South Park, Futurama, Firefly, QAF, Invader Zim, The Real World, Rick and Steve, Meadowlands, The Tudors, Dexter, OZ, Real Sex, and ETC.


Anything Anne Rice, an Anne Rice like, Marquis de sade, Edgar Allen, Old Steven King, Jhonen Vasquez, and a few others I can't recall off the top of my head.


SEAN CODY! The god of turning str8 guys gay. Gaypimp, Marilyn Manson, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Fire Fighters, Police, Paramedics, And The Fine Men and Women That Defend Our Country Everyday.

My Blog

Profile song/ and why i feel the way i do.

No Knife - The Red Bedroom This bed still burnspaper fingersshadows lengthen in the roompick you cleanpaper fingerssave your dreams for another timeWe're made in sleepy dreamsHeavy rain and sticky win...
Posted by -XERO- on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 10:08:00 PST

Store is Closed, and im on Holiday!

So Yeah the store closed on the 11th and my last day was the 19th, feels good to have some time to my self. Aside from that i have more time for my friends...thats good, i had been neglecting our frie...
Posted by -XERO- on Sun, 25 May 2008 03:14:00 PST

Fat check...but why set myself up?

Well the job is paying well, but i'm stuck, stores closing and im depressed about other matters. i knew i should have not even tried the easy approch for help...but i was desparate, now i have a day l...
Posted by -XERO- on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 08:03:00 PST

TAG you bitches

 Here is how you play: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 16 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end pick 10 people to tag and list the reasons...
Posted by -XERO- on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 12:53:00 PST

My fuckin car....Domino effect

So Saturday sucked so much fuckin ass, i wake up all early for a meeting, get in my car, put the key in the ignition and....nothing! WTF. I miss the meeting and work since no one was nice enough to ta...
Posted by -XERO- on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:49:00 PST

ok...whats up with him?

So currently in my little life i am working all the fuckin time...like non stope IE i work 9am to 9pm tomorrow...or later on today...no lunch...fun...not! I also get 1 day off a week and it has been l...
Posted by -XERO- on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 01:53:00 PST

Human nature

Why is it that we can hold our family and friends in such high regard, dispite everything they have done; we will continuously forgive them for the wrongs. What happens when time passes by and the sam...
Posted by -XERO- on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 10:06:00 PST


Yes Yes i'm Brandon Mallory, now who wants to touch me?....I said Who Wants To Fucking Touch ME!!!!
Posted by -XERO- on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:13:00 PST

DIGITS Bitches!

Ok, so i am tired of figuring who i gave my new number to, so here it is, if you didn't get it  you will now 805-861-6944 ok so yeah i don't want to hear any bitch about...i didn't get it....now ...
Posted by -XERO- on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 11:27:00 PST

The B-day

Sucked, but not too bad; My ex and i went out to the pub knocked a few back, sucked major at playing pool....had much fun that night....but all else before that was rubbish....i swear i am the biggest...
Posted by -XERO- on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 09:16:00 PST