Nedelja, 14. oktobar.
Proslavljamo godinu dana postojanja benda!!!
Bitje i torta :]
Klub Kuglash [Djushina 5]
Pochetak u 22h.
Ulaz:: 100 din
Inache, svake druge nedelje u mesecu sviramo u Kuglashu, znachi sledeca je 11og novembra, a dalje rachunajte sami...
Sreda, 31. oktobar.
U pitanju je knjizhevno veche...
BitefArtCafe [Skver Mire Trailovic 1]
Pristojno se obucite, klub je fin i sa pedigreom...
Sreda, 14. novembar.
Body Art hepening + ChubbChubbs [groovy, ha?]
BitefArtCafe [Skver Mire Trailovic 1]
The band was formed in October 2006 [or something like that].
It's a strange combination of people playing for friends and families.
If You want us to play on Your funeral/ wedding, or You just have any questions, contact us on
[email protected]