It's happening... you feel that? The Angels got tired of of the way the world was embracing the darkness with such glee and admiration. The changes are coming, you see it all around you - goodness winning out over peril. The world has tired of the malice of mankind. It has grown bored with the elaborate schemes to keep peoples of the Earth divided. It has run it's course of openly permitting us to destroy ourselves and one another. And finally, yes, finally - the perpetrators of all of that disdain, unravels & unveils, for the rest of the world to see - the ugliness inherent in this particular genre of craft. And it frees those of us who love to express love... without fear of rejection for not being ugly enough, for not tearing down our own, whomever they may be, and finally the world gets to hear the other music. The kind that speaks to and of what we all crave in secret... someone to hear us & cherish what we bring, and to call it and us, "special". Because talent comes in many forms. It simply gets masked by the dark. Welcome to the light, world. We have been waiting for you. Spirit, talent & variety will now abound.