Member Since: 29/04/2007
Band Members: Bad-Bad Bonnie - *keytar, *keymonica, *guitar, flute, recorder and anything else she finds interesting and new. *(it should be noted however, that she doesn't have the knowledge to play these instruments yet)
Rad-Rad Karleigh - Lead vox and killer tamborine (no, like literally killer, it'll eat 'yah, man)
Assisted by Steph - She plays a MEAN guitar and saxamaphone.
Produced by Angela Majko - She does it for free because she wants to have sex with Karleigh...but really, who doesn't?
If you want to volunteer your musical talents, message us and donate your mad skills!!!!
Influences: First and foremost, The Lashes and Rocket. Without them, The Bad|Rads wouldn't exist. They are our idols!
Also online stalking and food in general.
Sounds Like: Silence.
Record Label: Unsigned