~*~ cHiCh ~*~ profile picture

~*~ cHiCh ~*~

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

[wHaT yOu sEe... iS wHaT yOu gEt...cOunT oN iT!!!]
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ei! Hi... i'M *~*MiCheLLe*~* oR ~*~cHiCh~*~ [fOr shOrT]. i'M onLy 15 [tUrNinG 16 on nOveMbEr]. i'M a fOurTh yeAr hIghSchOoL sTudEnt Of tHe ScHoOL cOLegiO dE sAn LOreNzO! bUt, enOugH 'bOuT scHoOL!!! nOw tHat'S [-] oNe tHinG i rEaLLy hAte. LeT mE teLL yOu 'bOuT tWo oF mY wOrsT niGhtMAre. iT wOuLd bE tO haVe CALV!N aS a kiD, Or tO hAve a PLAYB*Y bOyfRieNd. mY grEatEst dReaM On tHe OthErhAnd, iS tO haVe LotS aNd LotS Of pEts, aNd, Ok, a dReaMt-Of wEdDinG, wiTh a dREamT-Of gUY. =D mY faVOriTe cArtOon cHarACteRs aRe tAZmaNian DeViL aNd mARviN tHe mARtiAn. i LikE sEnTi sONgs aT tiMeS, nEw waVe Or pOp. i'M nOt mUCh inTo spOrTS thOUgh i'D LikE tO bE. i'D aLSo LikE tO leArn pLaY inSTruMenTs. tHe One thIng i pROmiSed mYseLf tHat i WOuLd dO bEFOre i dIe iS tO trAVeL acROss tHE wOrLD wiTh mY faMilY anD wiTh mY drEaMt-Of gUy! i dOn't HaVe aN idEa iF i'm cOnvEntiOnaL or Not. sOme sAy i Am sOme sAy i'm noT. wELL, YOU tELL mE. hmm... wHat eLse? hOw 'bOut mY faVOriTeS, wOuLd yOu LikE tO knOw 'bOut tHem? caN't anSwEr thAt, cAn yOu? wELL, fOr OnE, i dO hAVe a FaVe sOnG, bUt i dO hAte tRyiNg-hArD-tO-bE-cOoL FiLipiNO bAndS/aRtiSts, mY faVoRiTe pEt wOuLd bE a T!G3R, mY fAVe bOok umm...Oh yEaH! HarRy pOtTer. i'LL teLL yOu nOw thAt i cAn'T sWim, bUt i LoVe sNOrkELing. i aLsO LovE tO dAncE! [sO mUcH!]
i'M nOt reAllY a *~fLy GaL~* [tOo yOunG fOr tHat]... bUt i Can sAy tHat i'M a *o* FinE gUrL *o* [kNow wHat i mEan?] i doN't LikE pLayAs! [hAtE ThEm!], aNd i Don'T LikE PipS Who LovE tO fRonT aT peOpLe [dEfiNitELy nOt!]. BuT I'm fEeLin' gUyS wHo aRe NatuRaLLy *~* SweEt *~* [mY wEakNeSs..] *~* HoNesT *~* ResPonSiBLe *~* gOoD aThLetE *~* [sPeciALLy iN bAsKeTbaLL] *~* [LoVe tHEm!] *~* GoD-fEAriNg *~* [dEfiNitELy!] *~* rESpEctFuL *~* mAtuRed *~* OpeN-MinDed *~* iNdEpeNdENt *~* cOnfiDEnT *~* fLeXibLe *~* hAs a GoOd hYgiEnE *~* LOyaL *~*

My Interests

~*~dAncIng...[i lOvE dAncIng!], sHopPinG[fAsHioN], GimMicK[nOt rEaLLy,'cOz mY dAd's sTRicT]~*

I'd like to meet:

*sOmeOne wHo'S swEet...*


rnb and acousticJoe Buddens - Pump It Up
Video provided by Videos For Myspace!!


Harry Potter [*Daniel Radcliffe*]
Lord of the Rings [~Orlando Bloom~]
Troy [!*! cOoL !*!]
Honey [*O* lOvE tHe mOveS! *O*]
A Walk to Remember [.*. tHe mOmeNt i sAw yOu cRy .*.]
The Haunting [lOoK OuT!]
Passion of the Christ
My Bestfriend's Wedding [i sAy a LitTle pRay fOr yOu!]
Matrix [!wOw!]
Bring it on [OoOhHh yAhHh...]
You Got Served [*o* cOoL mOveS! *o*]
Gladiator [wAtcH OuT!]
The Sweetest Thing [*~gUrLS!~*]
Titanic [i'M tHe KinG oF tHe wOrLd!!!]
Zorro [*Antonio Banderas*]
Notting Hill [yOuR fRoM BevErLy HilLs aNd i'M fRoM NoTtinG Hill]
Spiderman [wiTh gReaT pOweR coMes gReAt rEspOnsiBiLity]
Chasing Liberty [i nEed a rIde...]
Princess Diaries [tAMa bA?!]
What a Girl Wants [i kNow wHat i wAnT]
Legally Blonde [i oBjECt!]
True Lies [Arnold Schwarzenegger]
America's Sweethearts
Charlie's Angels ['*' gOodMorNinG ChaRliE '*']
Chicago [NewYork! NewYork!]
Ms. Congeniality [yOu wAnNa KisS mE...yOu wAnNa hUg mE...]
Practical Magic [*!~!*]
Sound of Music [DO..RE...MI...]
Catch Me if You Can
Parent Trap
Evita [yOu mUsT LovE mE...]
Man in the Iron Mask [tWo LeOnaRdo dE cAPriO?!?]
The Beautician and the Beast
Face Off
The Mummy [AaAahHHhHhh!!!]
Pirates of Carribean
50 First Dates
Ella Enchanted [hi...i'M eLLa Of fReLL]


\*/ aNy...aS LonG aS iT's inTerEsTinG... \*/


[* Harry Potter *] [~Lord of the Rings~] [~*~ Nancy Drew ~*~] [*~* Chicken Soup *~*]



My Blog

'bout me... i gezzz...

 W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .* 1) pierce your nose or tongue? [tongue i gez...  ]ö 2) be serious or be funny? [both...it depends... ü]ö 3) drink whole or skim milk? [skim milk...
Posted by ~*~ cHiCh ~*~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


"Love never grows when it is secretly kept locked in our hearts. Love will only find fulfillment when it find its way out and dwells in the heart of that person destined to keep it." >>>>>...
Posted by ~*~ cHiCh ~*~ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST