~*~dAncIng...[i lOvE dAncIng!], sHopPinG[fAsHioN], GimMicK[nOt rEaLLy,'cOz mY dAd's sTRicT]~*
*sOmeOne wHo'S swEet...*
rnb and acousticJoe Buddens - Pump It Up
Video provided by Videos For Myspace!!
Harry Potter [*Daniel Radcliffe*]
Lord of the Rings [~Orlando Bloom~]
Troy [!*! cOoL !*!]
Honey [*O* lOvE tHe mOveS! *O*]
A Walk to Remember [.*. tHe mOmeNt i sAw yOu cRy .*.]
The Haunting [lOoK OuT!]
Passion of the Christ
My Bestfriend's Wedding [i sAy a LitTle pRay fOr yOu!]
Matrix [!wOw!]
Bring it on [OoOhHh yAhHh...]
You Got Served [*o* cOoL mOveS! *o*]
Gladiator [wAtcH OuT!]
The Sweetest Thing [*~gUrLS!~*]
Titanic [i'M tHe KinG oF tHe wOrLd!!!]
Zorro [*Antonio Banderas*]
Notting Hill [yOuR fRoM BevErLy HilLs aNd i'M fRoM NoTtinG Hill]
Spiderman [wiTh gReaT pOweR coMes gReAt rEspOnsiBiLity]
Chasing Liberty [i nEed a rIde...]
Princess Diaries [tAMa bA?!]
What a Girl Wants [i kNow wHat i wAnT]
Legally Blonde [i oBjECt!]
True Lies [Arnold Schwarzenegger]
America's Sweethearts
Charlie's Angels ['*' gOodMorNinG ChaRliE '*']
Chicago [NewYork! NewYork!]
Ms. Congeniality [yOu wAnNa KisS mE...yOu wAnNa hUg mE...]
Practical Magic [*!~!*]
Sound of Music [DO..RE...MI...]
Catch Me if You Can
Parent Trap
Evita [yOu mUsT LovE mE...]
Man in the Iron Mask [tWo LeOnaRdo dE cAPriO?!?]
The Beautician and the Beast
Face Off
The Mummy [AaAahHHhHhh!!!]
Pirates of Carribean
50 First Dates
Ella Enchanted [hi...i'M eLLa Of fReLL]
\*/ aNy...aS LonG aS iT's inTerEsTinG... \*/
[* Harry Potter *] [~Lord of the Rings~] [~*~ Nancy Drew ~*~] [*~* Chicken Soup *~*]