If you care to find out how in the hell I ended up in Las Vegas, and what my life is all about, please visit my website!
Yes, I live, and breathe all things belly dance!
I now teach, perform and travel all over the world bringing the joy of belly dance with me to anywhere I go. I'm on a mission to enlighten people everywhere I go through this wonderful art form, and I couldn't ask for anything better in my life to do for a living.
Through bellydance, women can see themselves from the inside out and not the other way around, thus more easily appreciate their bodies and feel beautiful. Inner beauty develops from having a non-judgmental attitude, confidence, self-respect and self-love. The world needs this beauty – the inner beauty and love that is unconditional and kind, that makes this world a better place for all of us. I want to take this message to as many people as possible. It is simple and it works. Belly dance is a wonderful tool to self-acceptance.
So whether you are new to my MySpace page or have been visiting for a while, I encourage you to come back more often. I'm going to be blogging much more frequently here and soon I'm going to start my own MySpace Group dedicated to people who are new and also experienced bellydancers or those interested in the craft and want to learn more. I want to make it a community for those to share in the fun and the passion of the art of bellydancing so stay tuned for details on that coming later this November.
So come with me and let's experience the fun, fitness, and freedom of bellydance, no matter your age, size, or shape together! I want to share the power of bellydance with you. It is simple and it works.
With my best-selling original videos, music, and clothing, you will:..
- Celebrate Your Body and Feel Beautiful.
- Increase Your Confidence and Natural Grace.
- Be and Feel Attractive, and In-Shape.
- Have Fun, Laugh, and Smile - With Your Whole Body!