...i've been called a valley girl (which is not entirely incorrect), a sno-ho (which may be a little mean, but still conceivable), a brat (which is so 1980s), a nerd (which i kind of like being called), an introvert (which i don't mind at all), but more often than not i'm just plain ol' sweet. :)
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...MxPx live was awesome...next one's Blink!...no doubt, ska rocks and anything i can swing to west coast style puts a smile on my face... //...Blink was way cool...too bad for all the groupies...and smellie people stink...teenie boppers make good barriers though cuz they're cooshie when you push them//...almost anything, except Flogging Molly, who my apartment mate plays constantly!!!...Lovin' the old school GreenDay and Weezer...I need to turn 21 so I can get my ass to the Big Easy!// Just heard the new Green Day and it's rockin' my world!//Krater when I'm ragin' usually when I'm driving...love finding old cds I made when I was in hs...good ol' days songs that I can headbang to in my cube...then get embarassed when someone walks in and I'm still dancing in my office chair unknowingly.
Fave all time: Dirty Dancing...sappy chick flicks for bitchie moods and funnie action anytime... or just plain ol' rockin' kick azz karate shit//Ps. I scream, very much so, when I get scared...so next time, don't sit next to me, Lindsay!//Loved Mr&Mrs Smith; too bad not plausible? It's a movie, don't bring me down...//Any movie as long as I'm curled up next to my man!
What do I like to watch? Anything on E!, Style or the news while I'm eating breakfast ;)//Project Runway's not on...can't wait for next seasonYAY CHLOE DAO//So You Think You Can Dance was okay this season...but you totally knew that Benji would win...hopefully next season rocks//Project Runway is eh...too many egos and the challenges are way easy...//Whoa..I think I was a bitch the last time I updated this...LOVE LOVE Law and Order, Grease: You're the One that I Want, got hooked on Survivor, and still loving the Gilmore Girls...
...haven't read hard-core for awhile...love philosophy shit...Hobbes is interesting, but I still am a Sartre-lover!!!...oh, yeah...almost finished with "I LOVE EVERYBODY...and other atrocious lies" by Laurie Notaro...pretty funnie...kinda like Mrs. I's humor....good shiet....//finished "I love everybody"...onto the EIT Textbook...summertime is rockin' -- not!//Lots of environmental politics and not so fun senior design environmental homework
If you love Baby J, then Baby J loves you!Share in the Birthday Celebration at Red Robin (Downtown Spokane) at 6pm on Sunday, April 15, 2007. Immediatedly followed by Bars Galore!