p o p p y profile picture

p o p p y

yes yes all over your face

About Me

Dragged up in the Quartier Latin of Paris. Became a philosopher's muse. Kicked out of the Sorbonne for sassy striptease in Spinoza lecture, sought solace in Norfolk.
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Much pouting, dancing around the kitchen table, laughing, doodling, ranting, major magazine addiction, speaking franglais, sparkly socks, plastic cocktail rings, rootbeer and vodka, Norfolk, mixtapes, late night phone calls, late night dirty antics, vertiginous heels, Vidal Sassoon, Cornwall in the summertime, Dave Gahan, Nuz' home cooking, pole dancing with India and Alice, downloads, dressing up, never dressing down, blogs, pictures, lifeguards, Teen Vogue, cats, saying 'your mum', kissing/chasing inappropriate boys, MP3s, myspacing Simon, black opaques, oranges, conversations with Rosa, expensive perfume,post-it notes, east London, mum's random moments, MAC lipstick, the beigel shop and very very sexy guys.

I'd like to meet:

your mum (she's pinnacle)and Dave Gahan.


Depeche Mode/ Camille/ Vive La Fete/ Debussy/ Uffie/ Mr Hudson and the Library/ Selfish Cunt/ PK14/ TTC/ Justice/ Blonde Redhead/ M.I.A/ White Rose Movement/ DFA1979/ A Mountain of One/ The Cure/ Beethoven/ Beck/ Kelis/ BRMC/ Ultra Orange et Emmanuelle/ Fischerspooner/ Refuge.Antipop/ Muse/ Sia/ Nirvana/ Knife/ Plan B/ Britney/ Johnny Cash/ Maximo Park/ Talking Heads/ Ciara/ Dolly Parton


La Reine Margot is my favourite ever ever. Also Paris Texas and Clueless.


PEEP SHOW!"*@@*%??!!!


The Blessing, Brave New World, High Fidelity, Wuthering Heights, Lord Of The Flies, Love In A Cold Climate, Valley of the Dolls, Forsyte Saga, Picnic at Hanging Rock...BIRDSONG!!!


BATMAN. Of course.

My Blog

doing starjumps infront of Michael Gambon on a bouncy castle and splitting my skinny trousers

pretty self explanatory really. Possibly one of the most humiliating moments of my life. Fucking drainpipe trousers, how are you supposed to bounce with those on?
Posted by Poppy on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:09:00 PST


So...I went to H&M on thursday and it was fucking war! As the newspapers so well depicted, the women behaved in a primitive way, to the point of deranged. My friends and I had a stretch, flexed ou...
Posted by Poppy on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 06:42:00 PST

hair situation

Ah yes, and another thing, I thought you ld be interested to know how my hair is doing. Here's an update for you. Its turned a greyish shade of pink, no longer purple but distinctly silver in areas. N...
Posted by Poppy on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 11:28:00 PST

Spending too much money

hum... yes, i feel this is something i should try and be a little more careful A couple of days ago i bought Rufus Wainwright's "poses"; I thought, "im a fashion student now, he s abit cool and arty, ...
Posted by Poppy on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 11:25:00 PST

Late night shenanigans...

  <img src="http://imagecloset.com/3/37-IMG_3947.JPG">  
Posted by Poppy on Mon, 29 Aug 2005 09:57:00 PST