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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm Kharmen and I am 17 although I will most likely tell you that I'm 15 because I am in denial. My best friend is Allannah Mitt and that will definitely never change. We're both mildly to moderately insane depending on the ocassion, and only we really understand each other. We have a song for any ocassion and will be more than happy to sing or yell it to you whether you really want to hear it or not. My middle name will always remain a mystery and I am somewhat considered obsessive compulsive about whiteout pens and neatness. I am instantly annoyed by spelling and grammatical errors and I will correct 95% of the time. I also detest birds and 1 ply toilet paper. I thoroughly enjoy sappy romantic comedies and reading lame-o magazines like TV Week. I live for Monday's because that is when the new edition of TV Week comes out and I only really buy it for the crossword puzzles. I work at IGA, and I have been there for far.too.long. Anything and everything else you need to know about me, just consult Allannah.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

scrubs - guy love

mr. bean - elementary dating

Hamish & Andy.

The cast from Scrubs.

Michael Buble. James Marsden. Gurmit Singh. Arj Barker. Tarkyn Lockyer. Heath Shaw. Jude Law. Harry Connick Jnr. Seth Green. Jason Statham.

My Blog

Supernatural // Eye Of The Tiger (Full Clip)
Posted by on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 18:50:00 GMT