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Stop School Violence

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FOR THOSE WONDERING WHO IAM IS ME MAYRADecember 1, 2000: Los Angeles, CA A 17-year-old high school senior pulled his car onto the campus parking lot, set up a video camera and shot himself to death in front of classmates. Police said that the male was having trouble with a girl.November 19, 2002: Hoover, AL A 17-year-old male high school student was arrested and charged with murder in the fatal stabbing of another 17-year-old male student. The males were reportedly fighting in a hallway around 10:45am when the suspect pulled a knife and stabbed the victim. The suspect was immediately taken into custody by a school resource officer.January 17, 2003: Albuquerque, NM A 28-year-old occupational therapist was killed by blunt trauma to the head, according to reports, after being locked out of her portable classroom. A 20-year-old custodian was arrested and charged for the murderApril 14, 2003: New Orleans, LA A 15-year-old male was shot several times in the head and body, and died, as three assailants with an AK-47 assault rifle and two handguns stormed the building. Four other students were also hurt.April 24, 2003: Red Lion, PA A 14-year-old male junior high school student shot and killed his principal inside a crowded cafeteria and then killed himself with a second gun, according to police.June 4, 2003: Wellsboro, PA A 12-year-old, fifth-grade male middle school student committed suicide in the school's first floor restroom. The boy reportedly brought multiple guns, including a rifle, to the school in a duffel bag. Students were reportedly allowed to bring duffel bags because of a year-end field trip to an area swimming pool.November 22, 2002: Dallas, TX A 15-year-old male high school student was shot as he and fellow students tried to wrestle a gun away from another 14-year-old student. The suspect reportedly had fled from the assistant principal and students tackled him in front of a house near the school, during which time the suspect fired about five shots, striking the victim.February 5, 2003: Westminster, CO A 14-year-old male freshman was taken into custody after several shots were fired in a high school courtyard after the male reportedly had a confrontation with another student. A school resource officer chased and apprehended the suspect.February 19, 2003: Akron, OH Two male high school teens were arrested after one of them took a gun to school and the other fired it, hitting a lockerMarch 17, 2003: Guttenberg, IA A 17-year-old walked into his high school principal's office, thanked the principal for listening to his problems, said talking would no longer help, and then pulled out a .22 caliber rifle from underneath his coat and shot himself in the stomach, according to reports. The male was expected to recover.April 1, 2003: Washington, DC A 16-year-old male high school student was shot in the leg during a lunchtime argument with another 15-year-old student who fled afterwards and later turned himself in to policeOctober 23, 2002: Kalamazoo, MI A 36-year-old mother of a high school student was arrested after allegedly stabbing two female high school students with a butcher knife near the school entrance as students arrived in the morning at the high schoolJanuary 24, 2003: New York, NY A 17-year-old high school honors students was arrested after making an Internet chat room threat to carry out an attack similar to the 1999 Columbine High School tragedyJanuary 27, 2003: Crescent, OK Three eighth-grader middle school students were arrested for allegedly carrying pipe bombs into their school. The pipe bombs were reportedly 4 to 6 inches long; one was made of PVC pipe and the other from a film canister. Fireworks-style fuses were used on the devicesFebruary 10, 2003: Grove, OK A middle school was evacuated after a small pipe bomb was found in a boys bathroom. No one was injured.March 11, 2003: Gilbert, AZ Six youths were identified by police in an alleged plot to carry out a Columbine-style "massacre" at their high school. Authorities reportedly found notes and information indicating discussion of bombs and other violent plans.March 21, 2003: Lawndale, CA Two teenage high school males were arrested after classmates told a school security officer that the pair had made threats and acted unusual, and sheriff's officers subsequently found a journal with names of students and teachers the two may have been targeting. An unfinished pipe bomb was also found at one of the boy's homes, along with instructions downloaded fro the Internet, according to reportsMay 22, 2003: Texas City, TX A bomb was found in the home of a 16-year-old high school male freshman who allegedly planned to kill the school district's police chief, according to prosecutors.July 6, 2003: Oaklyn, NJ An 18-year-old male, along with two males ages 14 and 15, were arrested and a cache of weapons seized following an attempted carjacking. Police said the suspects were believed to be plotting a massacre which included school students. Authorities reportedly seized two rifles, a shotgun, two handguns, two swords, several knives, and 2,000 rounds of ammunition.December 12, 2002: Carson, WA A 13-year-old male fired a rifle shot into a middle school, injuring two students with broken glass, and then used the gun to kill himself according to police reports.
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