machine go boom profile picture

machine go boom

About Me

Machine Go Boom existed from January 2002-January 2009. We are no longer a band. We're not going to be playing any shows in the future UNLESS YOU'VE GOT A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY and even then, probably won't happen. we're no longer replying to booking emails here. thank you for your interest, but we're done.
For any other MGB info please visit
Most all photos by lou muenz: you kindly.
critics schmitics:
WHEELCHAIR RIOT: "Machine Go Boom's Thank You Captain Obvious is the grown up version of a bunch of kids on a pile of rubble throwing rocks at bags in trees."
TINY MIX TAPES: "If, like me, you've grown a bit disenchanted with fashion-dance-rock, with its requisite new-wave haircuts, and have been embracing records from the indie pop-rock stable (Ted Leo, A.C. Newman and the New Pornographers, and Of Montreal) simply because they feel like breaths of fresh air, perk up your ears. Machine Go Boom's energy and unpretentiousness, not to mention Mikey's knack for writing a catchy a pop hook and willingness to shriek out 'la-la-la' whenever necessary, are plenty charming. Naysay if you must about the titular instrument of 'The Kazoo Star' but the song built around it is, like the rest of the album, so fucking likable that one can hardly argue with the results. MGB throw everything they've got into Thank You Captain Obvious, and props are the least one can offer."
ZAPRUDER POINT: "Once you're chuckling, deep in the task of puzzling out MGB's sonics and asides, the emotion of the songs will ambush you utterly. Sneaky bastard, that Mikey. 'Li'l Devil' boils our President down to a pair of hot, angry-red nubs; 'The Punchline Song' out-wearies Mark Eitzel by throwing in a wink, and 'Ms. Hepburn's House' is startlingly beautiful, even as its helium vocal trembles. This is a crazy-sounding album from a goofy-sounding band -- but in the end it isn't fooling around at all."
PUNK PLANET: "Exciting and enjoyable and worth a listen or ten."
SPACE CITY ROCK: "A remarkably innocent, unfiltered, joyously free chunk of pop genius, infused with a sense of childish glee and plenty of reckless abandon (see the full-on rock blowout of 'Madeline isn't Coming Home'). That's a pretty incredible thing to find in our sad era of pre-fabricated, too-thought-out, made-to-sell rock bands."
POPMATTERS: "At times, Mikey is creating terrific Ween-like rock, as on 'Captain Obvious,' and other times he's mixing that style up with some Devendra Banhart-ish moments as on the opening track, 'Lil Devil.' So basically what you have here is something completely original and fresh and worth picking up. Other tracks, like the oddly sincere 'What My Buddy Said' almost border on '70s acoustic So-Cal pop, while 'Hot Potato' and 'The Kazoo Star' take off in the freaky directions you might expect them to with those titles. But it's all very modern and quirky in the end, making Thank You, Captain Obvious one of those albums that reminds you of how great indie-pop can often be."

My Interests


Member Since: 6/13/2005
Band Members:
Dan: Drums

Carrie: keyboards/backing vox

Mikey: guitar/lead vox

Brian (bubbles): bass

Influences: sleepytime tea
Sounds Like: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Record Label: Collectible Escalators
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

so long and thanks for all the fish

yup. in case you haven ' t alrea dy heard : we in Machi ne Go Boom are closi ng up shop for good. . . machi ne no more. we would like to thank all the folks who helpe d us out so much over the past...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jan 2009 16:35:00 GMT


we are sleeping. it is wonderful. see you (and your emails) when the sun comes back.
Posted by on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 01:20:00 GMT

Now available: MGB's DEBUT!

Hey, while you're licking your lips waiting for the new Machine Go Boom record (sometime in '06), why not check out Mikey's crazy fun debut, Mikey Machine. It's available for digital download at ...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 08:40:00 GMT

MGB Fall 2005 Tour Diary!

TOUR DIARY: Machine Go Boom Sep23-Oct02As recorded by Mike U. DAY 1 FRIDAY 23sep: Garfield Artworks, Pittsburgh PAWe get a late start, but now the van has new shocks and a rooftop luggage carrier and ...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Nov 2005 18:51:00 GMT

20 tips for the touring band.

 mikey machine's   "20 tips for the touring band"    1.  don't freak out.  2a.  fresh socks.     2b.  take off your shoes as ofte...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Oct 2005 14:46:00 GMT