PEACE AND ALL GOOD! PAZ Y BIEN...This is the universal greeting for Franciscans throughout the world. In case you don't speak Spanish, "Hermana" is the Spanish word for "Sister," which is what I am. I'm doing my best to make this a bilingual site. Pretty much everything is in both English and Spanish, since most of my friends speak one or the other. No matter what language you speak, I hope you like the site....I'M A SISTER OF ST. FRANCIS from Tiffin, Ohio, USA, ministering in Mexico. The mission of our congregation is to help people who are poor, work to conserve the environment, be peacemakers, and live a life that includes both action and contemplation. I have been a sister since August 25, 1989. For me it has been a life filled with meaning, joy, simplicity, love, and peace......
PAZ Y BIEN, este es el saludo universal de todos los franciscanos, los seguidores de San Francisco de Asis. Esta es una pagina bilingue, mas o menos, porque unos de mis amigos hablan ingles y otros hablan espanol. La casa principal de mi congregacion esta en Ohio, EEUU, pero paso la mayoria de mi tiempo en Cuernavaca, Mexico. Espero que te guste la pagina....SOY RELIGIOSA FRANCISCANA de la congregacion de las Hermanas de San Francisco de Asis de Tiffin, Ohio, EEUU. La mision de nuestra congregacion es ayudar a la gente que vive en pobreza, trabajar para conservar el ambiente natural, ser pacificadores, y vivir en una manera contemplativa en medio de la actividad. Entre al convento en 1989. Para mi es una vida llena de sentido, alegria, sencillez, amor y paz.
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