I am the most focused person you will ever meet and right now that happens to be building my business. However the occasional trips to Manhatten, Jersey City, Hoboken, Atlantic City, and of course DC are always a welcome retreat. I love to work out, and I also have a very pretty bicycle that unfortunately received much more love while I lived in DC.
I admire and model rich and successful people. I would love to meet anyone that falls into this category. Go Donald!
Kanye West. Talib. Mos Def. Ludacris. Aerosmith. Avril. Wyclef. Just to name a few. And I just heard Lifespeed play for the first time this weekend. Its a Jersy Shore thing. I think I may have to stalk them for the summer.
Ahhh My weakness. Top three. The Matrix - The Usual Suspects - Cruel Intentions - The Pelican Brief. So top fours close enough. I could go on and on...and on.
The playoffs are great and all, but sometimes I just miss....THE DEAD BODIES. Dunt Dunt.
Why is "books" the last category?? Thats really beat people. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Rich Dad Poor Dad. Secrets of a Millionaire Mind. The Cash Flow Quadrant. Failing Forward. The Power of Focus. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. Daniel Deronda. Great Gatsby. HARRY POTTer. Davinci Code. I could go on, and on. And to those of you who went to town on the television category, I'll pray for you...seriously.