A.G.L.S. profile picture


"one thought can produce millions of vibrations"

About Me

Originally from Hilo, Hawaii ..A.G.L.S.'s songs have always had a bit of mystery. A haunting, mischievious spirit contained within. " I'm all about mood, dynamics; most of all, I'm all about the feel of the song." A beautiful, volatile, musical cocktail. "If that's all there is my friend, then let's keep dancing. Let's break out the booze and have a ball" -"It's rare to find something innovative and interesting these days"- Kevin Haskins- Bauhaus,Love and Rockets, Tones on Tail. 9/2007

My Interests


Member Since: 6/13/2005
Band Website: stay tuned
Band Members: Dave- guitarist/singer/noisemaker.....so far. Stay tuned.
Influences: Influences include ambitious and adventurous artists such as The Beatles, The Pixies, Television,Pink Floyd, Radiohead,Pharoah Sanders, Miles Davis, Led Zeppelin, Queen,Prince, Sonic Youth, Massive Attack,Flaming Lips,Stereolab,Bauhaus, Bjork,CORNELIUS!. As well as R.E.M., Police,Pretenders,The Smiths,Bowie,Sex Pistols, Love and Rockets,Brian Eno,Beethoven,Philip Glass,Arvo Part,Lisa Gerrard-Dead Can Dance,David Lynch,Angelo Badalamenti,Elysian Fields, Suede(Bernard B. days),Aerosmith(Rocks era) Soundgarden,P.J. Harvey,PORTISHEAD, Motown soul, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday,Tom Waits,T& J.Buckley...you get the idea. I get inspired almost everyday.. Love Autechre,TV on the Radio, Interpol,BRMC,Elbow,Doves, Bloc Party.Sigur Ros, Four Tet. My Bloody Valentine,Mogwai, Placebo, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Party, Niyaz, Santana(Abraxas)Sun Ra, Niranjan Jhaveri, Mark Baxter, Trilok Gurtu,Dears,Fiona's new one,Leonard Cohen,Nick Drake,Can, Boards of Canada One Trick Pony,Death To Anders,Editors, Synesthete Ensemble, Know Noise,Omar A. Rodriguez Lopez.Wolfmother,Joshua Silverstein(beatbox magician!)
Sounds Like: Whatever you say it sounds like.........
Record Label: stay tuned..
Type of Label: None

My Blog

This Friday(April 4th) is my b-day!!

Stop by and say hi, if you like......   Hope all is well with you all!! dAvE
Posted by A.G.L.S. on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:33:00 PST

No Negotiation(Paper Chase)

To those of you who read these blogs, thanks for your interest in what's going on. Currently looking for a job to pay the bills ...wrote a new tune about current situations. Calling it No Negotiation(...
Posted by A.G.L.S. on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 04:10:00 PST

new song.........

I have a new song entitled, "Four X As Sad".... Check me out playing the song around the open mic crawls in Los Angeles... thanks. dAvE
Posted by A.G.L.S. on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 01:44:00 PST


Got a new song recorded....will upload soon...... It's a simple lil song. I hope this doesn't time out.... be well,
Posted by A.G.L.S. on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 07:38:00 PST

To Michel Gondry

It was a pleasure meeting you last night at the DVD signing. You're creativity is awe inspiring!!! Thank you.
Posted by A.G.L.S. on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 08:25:00 PST

To Pharoah Sanders...

It was a pleasure to meet you and to witness your performance last night.
Posted by A.G.L.S. on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 08:59:00 PST

Mark "Spike" Stent

Today I had the fortune of meeting and chatting very briefly with Mark "Spike" Stent. He is responsible for the mixing, engineering, and sometimes producing some of my favorite artists..(Bjork, Massiv...
Posted by A.G.L.S. on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 08:26:00 PST