At the end of year 2000, Charly and Mario, friends and school mates, shared their interest in music, and on the 16th of Frebruary 2001 they decided to form a group, called PPSM (Psychotic Perverted Sadik Minds), with multiple and different influences. Mario played bass and guitars, and Charly sang and played the guitar and keyboards. They started together to write a lot of songs, recording home demos with few means. In 2002 another member entered the group, Alex, who played electric guitar, and whose technical knowledge made a big advance for the group, most of all in the recordings, which improved. From that moment on the group name changed: they called it The Moonwalkers. The three friends used to jam and to practise the written songs, not very defined yet, besides, a lot of new songs. Finally, in 2004 joined Yusep, with his drums, so the jams and the rehearsals became more defined.
They never stopped writing songs, and in 2005 they started the record of a home-made autoproduced album, featuring their first songs, including three singles with a lot of b-sides, and two more albums with instrumental songs, remixes and demos (all of them home-made and autoproduced). Their last albums are "Snowing On The Moon", dedicated to the Christmas days, and "Winter EP", first EP of a 4-EP-collection dedicated to the seasons. They are now recording the second EP of the Season EPs, "Spring EP", and finishing the "8" album, with 8 instrumental songs.
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