We are looking for more dedicated Brothers and Sisters to join us in the fight against the NWO. Email us at
[email protected]
Our mission is to expose the NWO agenda by reaching mass numbers of people by the means of music and with the help of dedicated people like your self. The average person will not sit down and listen to a 5 minute speech, but if we encrypt or message in the song, people will not only listen, but be intrigued by the content of the song, that they themselves will look up the information and wake up to the truth of whats really happening around the world. Or mission is not to overthrow any government, nor are we against them. Our mission is to Resist tyranny and Restore the Constitution and bring justice and freedom back to the poeple of this earth. We encourage an Evolution rather than Revolution, you see the difference between the two is that a Revolution, is a cycle that has to be repeated every hundred years or so (just learn from history) In a Evolution, once evolved we cant devolve. We can achieve Mental Evolution by waking up or fellow brothers and sisters, and encourage 'self thinking' and not just mindless following. Our vision is to Unite everyone under one goal, and that is to be a free thinker and Evolve as a human beign, so that authority figures like governments can no longer keep us blind to whats really going on round us. Join us in the fight against tyranny and corruption, and help us wake up the masses to the historical tyranny of the international banking cartels, their absolute control of our nations and governments, and their plans for the creation of a One World Government / Fascist Dictatorship. This is a life long quest, full of knowledge and understanding of the secret knowledge that has been kept from us for hundredths of years. "No one person can do everything, but everyone can do something" Join us.
There is no US without YOU.
[email protected]
please respost this bulletin and help spread our message.