African-borne, yet not of Africa. Chinese by virtue of blood, not by birthplace. American by heart. I've lived in the humid South, in the cold of New England, and the dry and sometimes cold, damp West Coast of the USA. I've journeyed to Shakespeare's Globe, the birthplace of the Olympics, the land of Vikings, and the "City of Flowers" to name a few. Yes, I'm afflicted with wanderlust and learning more about myself each day. I love language and being able to say one thing in many languages is always fun. J'aime parler le francais quand j'obtiens l'occasion. Pero mas personas hablan espanol aqui. I'm still a novice in Mandarin though. :(Im an avid Stage Combat fanatic and studying the ancient healing arts of China too (Traditional Chinese Medicine). That includes acupuncture, herbal medicine, and massage therapy. And yes, I can bust out a can of whoop-a$$ and heal myself up too! (Wow, I'm a walking old Kung Fu Chinese movie super hero cliche...)
Although it hasn't been easy I've pursued and continue to follow my art where others have given up. It's rough getting rejection, but it can only make you better and stronger and the final prize that much more worth it. My life would not be complete if I didn't have music, art, dance, and theatre in it. "Arte es vida!"
And for fun....
Bloody Benny
People Iced: Forty One
Car Bombs Planted: Fifteen
Favorite Weapon Bowie Knife
Arms Broken: Nine
Eyes Gouged: Thirty One
Tongues Cut Off: Twelve
Biggest Enemy: The Icer
Get Your HITMAN Name alaric --
An oral sex master
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at
You Are Rain
You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming.
Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you.
You are best known for: your touch
Your dominant state: changing What Type of Weather Are You?
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