pneumatic mann profile picture

pneumatic mann

I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

"We gaze continually at the world and it grows dull in our perceptions. Yet seen from the another's vantage point. As if new, it may still take our breath away. Come...dry your eyes. For you are life, rarer than a quark and unpredictable beyond the dreams of Heisenberg; the clay in which the forces that shape all things leave their fingerprints most clearly." -- Dr. Manhattan

My Interests

movies, books, fun

I'd like to meet:



Some favorites are DECAPITATION STATION, Daft Punk, Wu-Tang Clan, Underworld, Suicide Commando, Skinny Puppy, Velvet Acid Christ, Leaetherstrip, Talking Heads, New Order, Future Sound of London, Juno Reactor, Squarepusher, Aphex Twin.


DOLEMITE is truly the best film ever made! Other favorites are 80s horror (Night of the CREEPS, Chopping Mall, etc.) and Spaghetti Westerns.


LOST, Office, Battlestar Galactica, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development


Some of my favorite writers are George R.R. Martin, Robert Jordan, Isaac Asimov, Stephen King, Frank Herbert, Dan Simmons, Robin Hobb and, of course, Alan Moore.


Syrio Forel, Arya Stark, Orphu of Io and Mahnmut!