Cooking, reading, checking the weather 8 times a day,laughing really hard, causing others to laugh (they don't have to laugh really hard, I will take what I can get.) reading up on criminals, chain smoking while on the phone.
Anyone who died more than 200 years ago.
Anything played on a merry go round
Anything with Katherine Hepburn, Bogie, Audry Hepburn, shit, anything made before 1970 I dig, after that it is hit and miss. name a few....A philidelphia story, Bringing up Baby, Father Goose, ANYTHING with Doris Day, Casablanca, Chasing Amy, Raising Arizona, A Clockwork Orange, Lonesome Dove, Tender Mercies, Roman Holiday, Seven, Heat, The Limey, The Professional, Ghost World, Pulp Fiction, Tombstone, Waiting for Guffman,Say Anything, Goodfellas, Fight Club, and documentaries
Rock of Love, Flavor of Love, other terrible shows
Historical fiction true crime "classics" -(the books you have to read in english classes, I like them) Non fiction about lots of things (the world's fair in chicago and murders for instance) Shmalzt
people who can dance