Jeremy profile picture


They were all in love with dyin'. They were drinkin' from a fountain that was pourin like an avalanc

About Me

I started working on my profile page, but now I wanna go watch tv, so screw it. This is all you get for now (this is actually just a trick to get you check back to see what I wrote. Your anticipation is mounting already, no doubt). Also I made up some stuff on my profile just for my own amusement. It's ok though, because I only lie when I really have to or when it's funny. Otherwise, lying is very, very wrong (that's the part where the star shoots over my head and it says "The More You Know". Damn, I hope somebody gets that joke).This last part is being typed months later as the aforementioned update. Yet I remain just as uninspired to type anything reality-based of any interest to anyone at anytime everYeah, this is years later and I still haven't finished it.

My Interests

Myspace Layouts by

I'd like to meet:

Somebody who knows exactly what the fuck is going on. I'm curious.


Angry white boy music: Korn. Zombie, Disturbed, NIN. Old Alternative; Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains. New Alternative: Apartment 26, Linkin Park, Godhead, Gluttonous Muppet. New rock: Shinedown, Theory of a Deadman. Shit like that. I used to like some rap and hip-hop, but I stopped when I realized that I'm a blue-collar, middle-class, suburban 30-something year old white guy from Kansas living in the deep south and that just doesn't mesh well with rap and hip-hop (though i still like the term "hip-hop". It makes me think of that giant rabbit movie "Night of the Lepus". Mostly the "hop" part really).


I don't like movies with yucky stuff like kissing and love and stuff. I like movies that are full of scary monsters or naked girls. And oh yeah, killin'. Killin's real good in movies.


Join me in my boycott of reality television. It represents all that is wrong with celebrity, television and humanity in general. I could spend hours harping on all the evils of reality television; but i'll just say that it somehow manages to be the pinnacle of unoriginality and stupidity while freefalling through the bottonless pit that was once filled with creativity and ingenuity.


Books are good. I've probably read more books than any person you've ever met. Really. Here's a little hint for anyone who happens to be stupid and is currently reading this: If you read more books and watch less tv, your chances of becoming less stupid will greatly increase. For those of you who are ugly or have some other affliction(s) that are not stupidity-based, then reading books probably wont help you fix your problems.

My Blog

Posted by Jeremy on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:57:00 PST

Rick was Ordinary (a sci-fi short story for your viewing pleasure)

  This is not an actual blog persay. It's one of the various short stories I've written that both I and anyone who's read my stuff feel is the best one. I thought I'd let ya'll see it. Plea...
Posted by Jeremy on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 01:49:00 PST