due to all the tree radiation, dying bees, cell phone sex, nude planets being discovered, global whoring and organic mutagen biomagnitude, yr gonna find yrself surrounded by monsters. big ones, small ones, really fucking average ones, some have pitbulls for arms. some melt like ice cream in the sun. some have chocolate skeletons. some have tinsel for teeth. some are teachers, cops, presidents, authors, escape artists, bullshit artists, art school students, nurse sharks, etc. in conclusion, we want to fuck yr ears on the first date. we want to find audio equations and sound combinations that will collapse your senses and make your neurons splinter, snap and reroute. you may wet yrself a little.
For Booking Tours - Ballistic Missile Booking - [email protected]
We've got some T's available. They were drawn up by Matt Puckett from The Black Clouds and printed by Devils Rainbow Printing.
Pretty badass dudes!
They are available in all four colors in YL, S, M, L, & XL.
$10.00 + $3.00 S&H - Send check, MO, or well concealed cash, love letters, and nude photos to:
Tinsel Teeth
PO Box 28826
Providence, RI 02908
Or if you need immediate satisfaction you can Paypal: