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About Me

LOCATION....Mobile, Alabama
I have been researching and studying theory on the paranormal since 2002 through books, video documentaries, and internet research sites before I applied it to practical applications and real world investigations with the GHOTS team. With a degree in Computer Science and additional studies in chemistry, mathematics, and biology, I am able to apply my engineering and scientific methodologies in the paranormal field while keeping an open mind to outside possibilities. Through detailed investigative fieldwork with paranormal equipment and data analysis, I pursue to give scientific fathom to the unfathomable.
Ghost Hunting Makeup Diva
Autumn Whispers
Carla Baron
~Haunting You~
Flower Child

My Interests

paranormal investigator, ghost hunter, ghost hunting, ghost hunters, demonology, demonologists, apparition, banshee, daemon, demon, devil, eidolon, ethereal being, haunt, incorporeal being, kelpie, manes, phantasm, phantom, poltergeist, revenant, shade, shadow, soul, specter, spirit, vampire, vision, visitor, wraith, zombie, ghostparanormal, abnormal, celestial, ghostly, metaphysical, mysterious, mystic, occult, phenomenal, preternatural, psychic, spectral, transcendental, unearthly, abstruse, anagogic, arcane, cabalistic, cryptic, enigmatical, esoteric, hidden, imaginary, impenetrable, inscrutable, magic, magical, metaphysical, mysterial, mysterious, mystical, necromantic, nonrational, numinous, occult, otherworldly, paranormal, preternatural, quixotic, sorcerous, spiritual, supernatural, telestic, thaumaturgic, transcendental, visionary, witchlike, wizardly,abstruse, anagogic, arcane, cabalistic, cryptic, enigmatical, hidden, imaginary, impenetrable, inscrutable, magic, magical, metaphysical, mysterial, mysterious, necromantic, nonrational, numinous, occult, otherworldly, paranormal, preternatural, quixotic, sorcerous, spiritual, supernatural, telestic, thaumaturgic, transcendental, unaccountable, unknowable, visionary, wizardly abnormal, celestial, concealed, dark, fabulous, fairy, ghostly, heavenly, hidden, impenetrable, invisible, legendary, metaphysical, miraculous, mystic, mythical, mythological, numinous, obscure, occult, paranormal, phantom, phenomenal, preternatural, psychic, rare, secret, spectral, superhuman, superior, supermundane, superordinary, supranatural, transcendental, uncanny, uncomprehensible, unearthly, unfathomable, unintelligible, unknowable, unknown, unnatural, unrevealed, unusual analytic, cerebral, clairvoyant, immaterial, impressible, impressionable, intellective, intellectual, mental, metaphysical, mystic, occult, preternatural, psychal, psychical, psychogenic, psychological, responsive, sensible, sensile, sensitive, sentient, spiritual, supernatural, supersensible, supersensitive, supersensory, supersensual, susceptible, susceptive, telekinetic, telepathic, transmundane, unworldly,clear-sighted, discerning, extrasensory, far-sighted, farseeing, fey, judicious, long-sighted, oracular, penetrating, perceptive, prescient, prophetic, psychic, second-sighted, sibylline, spiritualistic, telepathic, vatic, visionary,aerial, airy, apparitional, asomatous, bodiless, celestial, disbodied, discarnate, disembodied, dreamlike, dreamy, ethereal, ghostly, heavenly, impalpable, imponderable, incorporate, incorporeal, insensible, intangible, metaphysical, nonmaterial, nonphysical, psychic, shadowy, spectral, spiritlike, spiritual, subjective, supernatural, unearthly, unembodied, unfleshly, unsubstantial, unworldly, wraithlike

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My Blog

Ghost Hunting software for going over evidence

   People have asked me before about using software and what kinds to get.  I have listed out a few products from different companies ranging on both the free option and purchase option...
Posted by G-Hunter on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 10:52:00 PST