The " Sweatlodge " is a structure built with
willows, following specific sacred geometry rules, and covered with
blankets or tarps. The lodge represents the " Womb of Mother Earth " into
which we come to be reborn through the spirit of the four elements. In
the lodge we come to pray and to purify ourselves. During this
ceremony many things can happen: healings, reconciliations,
forgiveness, realizations, insights, . . . etc. It is a return to the
primal beginning. At the source of all life.
Iggy (Hoop Watcher) and Suzi Garcia are members
of the Nemenhah Band and Native
American Traditional Organization (NAC) is certified and in good
standing of the affore said Native American Church and are Shahaptian
Guide Medicine Man and woman. And as such is authorized to
perform all the ordinances pertaining to their calling, including the
use of Plants, Animals, Stones, Feathers, and so forth in rites and
ceremonies which do pertain to the Tents of the Scared Shahaptian
Healing way as restored to the Nemenhah Band by Wyakin and as set forth
in the constitution of the Band. We are members of Journeys way
Lodge in Columbus, Ohio. Sweat lodge Itsipi Leader, Holistic Life
Coaches, Reflexology, Body Energy Work, Inca Meditation, and Open Chair
The Enlightened Time