I'm not as all angry as my blogs I suppose suggest.
i think all of you people know me.
i'm going to Smith right now which is in Northampton Mass.
come visit,
I love dancing and movement. I'm trying to expand my music, book and movie knowledge. I'm also producing some art nowadays (and really want to start getting into sequential art, also known as comics/graphic novels), and additionally am trying to start a band with some of my friends. Only problem is we're all super busy college kids. Right now I just want to flirt with pretty people i know, dye my hair, make lots of art and music, and wake up late. This is not happening and potentially never will, it breaks my heart. Amended: I have decided to become a starving musician as a career. I am apparently an idiot.
I'm terrible at the whole social web thing. I have a few friends who I really enjoy their company and i'm terrible at bullshit conversations, i'm also terrible at not telling the truth. Don't ask me how i am if you don't want to know.
I'm studying Psychology and Sociology. I'm doing a special studies in the Il/Legality of Sex Work, and starting to wonder whether I should go to Sociology grad school so I could study it full time. Seriously, I don't know why, but until this summer I didn't realize that the only thing I'm really pasionate about doing is music.
"If I gave you my number would it still be the same?"
Hey. You rock.