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Gecen yil Londra Bienali adli sanat organizasyonun etkinliklerine paralel olarak Kibris'ta duzenlendigimiz Amoneyfesta adli sanat etkinligine bu yil daha da buyuyerek devam etmek istiyoruz.Gecen yaz 17-19 Agustos tarihleri arasinda Girne Ramadan Cemil Meydaninda duzenlenen etkinlige gerek yurt ici gerekse yurt disindan iyi bir katilim oldu.. Minimum finans olanaklari ve imece usulu bir yardimlasmayla gerceklesen organizasyon gecen yaz Kibris'ta duzenlenmesi ongorulen ancak politik ve hukuki engeller sonucunda iptal edilen Avrupa Cagdas Sanat Platformu 'Manifesta'ya' bir tepki olarak dogmustu..Sanatta elitizm, kurumsal baski ve paranin kurallarina takilmadan, 7 den 70 e her kesimden sanat sevdalisinin eserlerini ozgurce(kendilerinin diledigi gibi) sergileyebilecekleri bir platform olusturma gayesi "Amoneyfesta" nin baslica hedefidir. Bu noktada organizasyona katilmak isteyenlerin sanatci gibi bir unvana sahip olmasi veya daha once herhangi bir organizasyona katilmis olma sarti aranmamakla birlikte eserlerini organizasyon suresince diledikleri bir zamanda sergileyebileceklerini de belirtmek isteriz. Buna ek olarak organizasyona katilmak isteyenler diledikleri sanat formuyla (resim, fotograf'kolaj, film, siir, heykel vb.. buna her turlu avantgarde nitelikli eser de dahildir) organizasyonda yer alabileceklerdir.. Organizasyonu buyuk sergi, muzik dinletileri ve film gosterimleri seklinde 3 ana bolumde toplayabiliriz.. Ama bundan organizasyonun iyice planlanmis, tasarlanmis izlenimine kapilmamanizi ozellikle rica ediyoruz.. Tam tersi 'rastlanti olgusunu' on plana cikarmak gibi bir derdimiz oldugunu soyleyebiliriz.. Ki henuz organizasyonun gerceklesecegi yeri de tam olarak bilemiyoruz acikcasi.Biz "Amoneyfesta"yi sadece bir sanat organizasyonundan cok kulturu hep birlikte tartisabilecegimiz,kendimizi ve birbirimizi degistirebilecegimiz, hepsinden onemlisi de bunlari yaparken keyif alabilecegimiz organik bir surec olarak dusunduk.. Sozu fazla uzatmadan herkesi organizasyonun parcasi olmaya davet ediyoruz..Not: Eserlerinizi bizzat elden bize veya organizasyon alanina gelerek sergileme yaninda asagida belirtilen adreslere de yollayarak bize ulastirabilirsiniz.. Katiliminizi yurekten dileriz.Ulasim: Zeytin Dali Sokak No:6 Dogankoy, Girne Ulasim: Sht. Mustafa Akdeniz Sok. Dev. Sos. Knt. Blok:18 D:18 K.Kaymakli/Lefkosa Email: [email protected]: Amoneyfesta 3 gun boyunca limandaki parkta gerceklesecek..English:Dear Artists-Friends, Warm greetings! Last year, 2006, I organised "AMONEYFESTA", the first LONDON BIENNALE 'Pollinations' in Kyrenia, Cyprus. Many artists from many parts of the world sent me excellent art works. The exhibition and the live events were a great success with the public in Girne, where "AMONEYFESTA" was held. Local people living there as well as visitiing tourists responded enthusiastically to the culture fest. Inspired by the public's enthusiasm, I have decided to organise this year, 2007, "AMONEYFESTA 2 : 'Take Modern: Ice Park' ". My co-curators for "AMONEYFESTA 2" are Umay Yilmaz, a photographer and film-maker, currently a student in art and design at Bilkent University, in Ankara, Turkey, and Mehmet Kozal, a young Turkish Cypriot musician, the drummer in a Kyrenian pop band, who edited my film "Chingi" which was shown at the Foundry during the "Drawing 2" exhibition curated by Giacomo Picca for LONDON BIENNALE 2006. "AMONEYFESTA 2" will take place on 27, 28 and 29 July 2007. The main venue is an open-air play pen at Kyrenia Harbour. Please look up in the internet "Kyrenia" in the google and Yahoo search engines to see what Kyrenia harbour looks like. It is a beautiful place and a fitting venue for "AMONEYFESTA 2". I invite all of you, and your friends and others interested, in participating in "AMONEYFESTA 2". For the exhibition, you can send me drawings, paintings, collages and other visual arts works. You can also send films and videos in DVD form. There is no limit to the number of art works you may send. The only limitation is size. Art works must not exceed 2 metres by 2 metres in size. The size limitation is due to the fact that I am expecting many art works, as was the case for the first "AMONEYFESTA". The drawings, paintings and collages may be framed or unframed. The choice is yours. Each artist will be responsible for insuring and sending his/her work(s). Due to logistical reasons, no art works will be returned to the artist(s), unless the artist sends the appropriate envelope or box together with the international postage stamps to cover the costs of returning the works. If an art work is for sale, and it is sold, fifty per cent of the price will go to the artist and the other fifty per cent of the price will go towards the funding of "AMONEYFESTA 2". I would like every artist who sends art work(s) to send me postcard photos of the art works(s) and of the artist him/herself, together with a brief auto-biographical note of 100 words, for documentation purposes. Please title, date and indicate the size and the medium of any art work you send. Please send your art work(s) to me at my address below. Send your art work(s) as soon as possible to avoid delays. David Medalla, Director of the LONDON BIENNALE, will write a preface as an introduction to "AMONEYFESTA 2". Photos of "AMONEYFESTA 2" will be posted on the London Biennale website and in the future website of "AMONEYFESTA". Thanking you in advance, I send you my best wishes! Salih Kayra, Director, "AMONEYFESTA 2", Zeytin Dali Sokak No. 6, Girne, Cyprus, Mersin 10, TURKEY

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Size daha kolay ulasabilmemiz icin lutfen bizi ekleyinAfis Kampanyasi: Kendi Amoneyfesta afisini yap, amoneyfesta@gmail'e gonder, sergiye konsun..

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Hiclik Budalaligi ve Ruyasal Avuntular

Safiyet ve ciplakligin ortusu_ diski,kusmuk ve sumuk kurusu.. Yasam icin birakilan notlar_ ince kirginliklar,kayboluslar.. Kirli, gri hatiralara gizlenmis; aglamak,curumek ve tukenmek icin.. Gozyaslar...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:08:00 GMT


Bu bembeyaz bir ekran..Basina sar beni cunku usuyorum..Basinda sar beni, bu kez cok beyazim ve tumuyle bosum..Haydi basa sar beni, hemen simdi sar!Iki goz iki bulut, yeniden sasir da yagsin umutHayal ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:06:00 GMT