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It's time for the next layer of understanding to be peeled off. For many years the term "unconditional love" has been explored by those here on Earth. The entire concept was leading up to another layer of the illusionary reality of Earth, a layer that needs to come off so that the level of healing that needs to be done can be done.
Here we are…
I love you because you make me laugh, your heart can be felt all the way across the room, you're so filled with love for others, you are my brother in soul, (or) you are my sister in soul, we are one, we are aspects of God and Infinite Soul. I love you because you're you.
I love you enough to love you no matter what you do with your life.
I love you but I wish you wouldn't be so sensitive. I love you but I really wish your hair was blonde. (I like blondes and I shouldn't have to apologize for that.) I love you but you're poor and I don't want to feel as though I need to save you. I love you and I'll be waiting on the other side of whatever drama you're creating right now.
I love you but I wish you would change.
I love you but I wish you weren't creating the reality you're creating with your life right now.
I think I would love you even more if things would change.
It's tantalizing, isn't it? That carrot on the end of the stick. The hint, the implication, the hope, that there is more love behind what we're already giving and receiving and if things were different, we might just be comfortable enough to express that hidden love … that love that is waiting for something .. or someone .. to change.
As a species, humans are exploring what love truly is. Unconditional love is just the beginning. Behind that layer of understanding is a layer of absolute surrender to BEING love, to being the fullest expression of love, God, Soul, that we can be … without reservations, expectations, wishes, and judgments.
Yes, it IS a judgment to want God to change people or things. This is a tough one to explain, and an even tougher one to live. But it is the Truth of who we are, as infinite souls. Why is it so tough to live the Truth of who we are?
Do we, as a society, want to abolish war and crime, abuse and fear, hatred and judgment? Yes. And so what does it mean to love ALL things without judgment and yet still wish for change?
Much, if not all, of the acting out that people on Earth do has a base of need. The need to be heard, to be loved, to be understood, to be allowed to be who we are without judgment. And so the base, the foundation, of all things that do not appear to express love is fear. Need is fear disguised.
If we address fear, we address the lack of love. If we address the lack of love, we begin to understand that it is our inability to BE the full expression of love that we are that is causing the fear … and the fear is causing the acting out of war, hate, abuse, etc.
Let's go back to the question … how do we love those things we wish would change?
What is it exactly that we want to change? If we look closely enough, if we peel off the layers of the out-picturing of devastation that is this entire Earth society, we will find ourselves. Each person is responsible for the out-picturing of life on Earth.
Let's look at a possible scenario. What if every single person decided to BE love and nothing else? What if each person let go of the energy of wishing things were different and began to LIVE the truth within themselves that things CAN be different if we are the foundation of love instead of the foundation of fear?
What we want to change and heal is the fear that drives this human reality. That fear can be changed by being love. Love is who each of us are, in our true forms. It sounds like a dichotomy … because it is. We ourselves create the dichotomy.
Fear is not a state of being that is generated or accepted by our soul. Our soul knows only love and lives within the firm and eternal union of love with infinity and God. Our soul does not wish for things to change. Soul recognized that life on Earth is an effort to create a reality that embraces the lessons of understanding that all things are love, even when they don't look like love at all.
Think about this, if you will, for just a moment. What are we really saying behind our thoughts of non-acceptance?
I love you God … but I wish You would change this.
This is a topic that deserves an entire book .. or volume of books. But this blog serves as a tidbit of thought for those who are ready to explore the next layer of what this reality is all about. By entertaining the thought, we entertain the possibility. By entertaining the possibility, we encourage the truth.
With love and honor to each of you and may this Holiday bring you Peace.
Lauren Zimmerman
Copyright, Christmas, 2007
Thank you Raven Sapphire, Emmissary of Light
by Cindy Oriente

In these times of great change and accelerated energy, there are many steps you can take and ideas you can embrace that will help you not only cope, but thrive. This requires that you release outdated, fear-based thoughts, beliefs and emotions to make way for a new, higher-frequency, love-based reality.
10 Things You Can Do:
* Commit to your evolution
Dedicate yourself to personal evolution, and cultivate a relationship with yourself that is loving, patient and without judgment. Acknowledge that you are powerful, and that your thoughts, coupled with the heart energy, can create any reality you dream of. Be aware that your energy extends well beyond your physical body, and that you have the ability to affect the world around you simply by your presence, so you make the choice to live consciously and responsibly.
* Choose love
Remember that there are two basic emotional expressions--love and fear--and that at any given moment each of us is either in a state of giving and receiving love or in a state of fear, calling out for love. Moment to moment, as often as possible, make the love choice.
* Acknowledge your important role
Realize that you are involved in a great period of spiritual awakening, and that you can be a facilitator in this exciting shift in consciousness and heightened awareness by being a living love-example. Every moment offers an opportunity to serve in some way, even if simply by being an example of unconditional love through your words, thoughts and actions. By doing so, you inspire others to do the same.
* Be compassionate
Live with compassion and tolerance for all individuals and paths, even if you do not choose them for yourself. Understand that all paths eventually lead one back to their Source, no matter how they appear to our physical eyes.
* Take time to be still
Give your mind and body a rest. Meditation not only relieves stress and creates balance, but in moments of silence you are more likely to perceive the messages of Spirit. A simple way to get started is to sit or lie down in a peaceful place and focus on your breathing. What can result is a greater sense of well-being, feelings of love and serenity, new insights, a solution to a problem, etc.
* Be here now
Be willing to focus more on the present moment and relinquish attachment to the past or future. When you focus on what's happening right here and now your creative energy is more fully available to handle every situation with love, clarity and personal power.
* Take responsibility
Shift from any tendency towards a victim mentality into personal responsibility for each and every moment of your life. Know that all the experiences you have attracted into your life are purposeful and have the potential for positive meaning and growth.
* Consider forgiveness
If there is anyone from your past that you are angry with, consider forgiveness. Anger drain's one's energy--it's a lower, heavier frequency. Forgiveness is for your own benefit. It does not mean you condone the negative acts of another--it simply frees you to get on with your life in a way that is loving and unemcumbered by past hurts.
* Stay peaceful
Maintain serenity and a sense of balance in the face of the negative illusions within physical reality, including the presence of suffering. Realize that underlying all aspects of the physical world are the essence of love and the presence of peace. Even behind suffering is a Divine plan.
* Let Love lead you
Be willing to allow your heart intelligence to be your guide, and surrender the human mind to the heart-mind.
WHITE *** The gift spiritual success and free will, and the purification of Spirit.
SILVER *** The gift of psychism and the love of the Goddess.
BLUE *** The gift of communication and intelligence.
GREEN *** The gift of healing and attunement with nature.
YELLOW *** The gift that all needs will be met in a positive way
and that joy be a constant companion.
GOLD *** The gift of wisdom and discernment.
RED *** The gift of courage, laughter, and right action.
PURPLE *** The gift of communication with your guardian.
Orbs are spherical “lights” or balls of energy, though not visible with the naked eye, appear on film or in photographs...Apparent in variable size, most often they appear in shades of white; however, on rare occasions they may take on different colors...
"Contrary to popular belief orbs, as a paranormal phenomenon, are a relatively new subject to the paranormal community even though their occurrence has drastically increased with the emergence digital technology" says Ken Summers of Ghostmag. com ....Summers goes on to say ... "However if one can rule out all possible naturally occurring reasons for a photographic orb (i.e. dust, insects, and moisture), what is left is the common belief that orbs are some form of electrostatic energy, either being part of or an entire spirit entity. This would mean that these objects are in essence globules of energy and/or light particles (in the case of ‘visible’ orbs).....In Summers' article posted on www. ghostmag. com , he goes on to say ... "The only thing that can be safely state{d} is that some photo anomalies are unexplainable and could possibly be paranormal in nature. It can also be safely stated that the appearance of these anomalies having a definite color seems to indicate something unusual is going on......Mr. Summers ... we couldn't have said it better ourselves!
A Life Poem
Life can seem ungrateful and not always kind.
Life can pull at your heartstrings and play with your mind...
Life can be blissful and happy and free...
Life can put beauty in the things that you see...
Life can place challenges right at your feet...
Life can make good of the hardships we meet...
Life can overwhelm you and make your head spin...
Life can reward those determined to win...
Life can be hurtful and not always fair...
Life can surround you with people who care...
Life clearly does offer its Up and its Downs...
Life's days can bring you both smiles and frowns...
Life teaches us to take the good with the bad...
Life is a mixture of happy and sad...
Take the Life that you have and give it your best...
Think positive, be happy let God do the rest...
Take the challenges that life has laid at your feet...
Take pride and be thankful for each one you meet...
To yourself give forgiveness if you stumble and fall...
Take each day that is dealt you and give it your all...
Take the love that you're given and return it with care...
Have faith that when needed it will always be there...
Take time to find the beauty in the things that you see...
Take life's simple pleasures let them set your heart free...
The idea here is simply to even the score...
As you are met and faced with Life's Tug of War
tomorrow is a new day...
May everyone who reads this win their tug of war...

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

If you made it here, yeah, I am somewhat of a spiritual dude. I am Father of two daughters (Sara 21 and Emily 17) and currently am having some issues with being alone too much. I have posted some real life stories and some spiritual matters in the hopes that anyone who comes here looking for answers, may find them. My friends have some amazing things to look at! Make your own conclusions. I wish for the world to stabilize and EVERYONE to get the chance to realize their full potential... I am just a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...
-Theodore QettSevOn
A post by UNIVERSAL:
Sparkling personality, intense will, intelligent, understanding, impatient to exert influence.
Colors: male: red carmine , female: gold
Compatible Signs:
Bastet, Geb
Apr 20 - May 7, Aug 12 - Aug 19
Role: God of the pharaoh
Form of a falcon-headed man, wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt
Sacred Animal: falcon
What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?
Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries
Release yourself from the wheel of karma... and LOVE!!!
In Tibetan Buddhism, a Bodhisattva is anyone who is motivated by compassion and seeks enlightenment not only for him/herself but also for everyone...
Becoming a Bodhisattva is a huge step in helping not only yourself, but also every other sentient being, both seen and unseen. Most people are self-motivated and work primarily to solve their own problems, keeping others a distant second. Should someone do an act of kindness, repayment is generally expected whether in the form of a thank you and/or further praise.
Excerpt from a webpage about Bodhisattva's...
A Bodhisattva is motivated by pure compassion and love.
Their goal is to achieve the highest level of being: that of a Buddha. Bodhisattva is a Sanskrit term which translates as: Bodhi [enlightenment] and sattva [being]. And their reason for becoming a Buddha is to help others.
The Bodhisattva will undergo any type of suffering to help another sentient being, whether a tiny insect or a huge mammal.
In Shakyamuni Buddha’s 'Perfection of Wisdom in 8,000 Lines' it states: “I will become a savior to all those beings, I will release them from all their sufferings.” If this sounds familiar to anyone not acquainted with Buddhism, then you only need to think of the example of Jesus Christ, a true Bodhisattva.
When someone first enters the way of the Bodhisattva, they develop Bodhicitta, or, mind of enlightenment.
Even as a person strives towards such an exalted goal, they feel as though they are limited by the fact that they, too, are suffering. So that they can be of aid to others, they decide to become Buddhas for a Buddha is capable of unlimited compassion and wisdom.
Also, Buddhas are able to relate to all others at whatever level is needed. To those of lesser intelligence, a Buddha will use simpler words; and to those of great intelligence, a Buddha can explain answers in a more exalted language.
By entering the Bodhisattva way, the mind must become enlightened. And so the training begins by generating the 6 Perfections.
The 6 Perfections:
The 6 Perfections are:
1] generosity
2] ethics
3] patience
4] effort
5] concentration
6] wisdom
Generosity – How does one become more generous?
Is it possible to rid oneself of materialistic tendencies, selfishness and a desire to want to be kind to others and give to those who lack? Being able to provide for people by starting a business and then hiring those who need jobs would be profitable not only for yourself but for those who were previously unemployed.
Volunteering your time and talents to those who need them is also a way of cultivating generosity. To share Buddhist teachings so people are able to help themselves and in turn, others, is the finest gift you can offer. You have created a positive ripple effect. The ripples of the teachings will travel far and wide to allow many to be assisted.
The attitude behind your generosity is of the utmost importance; giving with anger or the desire for payment isn’t a good motivation. But if you have a humble motivation to help, then you’re on your way to become a Bodhisattva.
Ethics – Knowing the basic difference between right and wrong is imperative to generating the 6 Perfections.
To practice the perfection of ethics means to refrain from doing harm to yourself and all those around you. Killing, sexual misconduct, consuming harmful substances such as alcohol or drugs, being deceitful, and using abusive language must be avoided. All harmful actions are caused by a mind that harbors them, therefore it’s highly important to be mindful of all your thoughts.
Patience – A lack of patience is prevalent in today’s society and this will change if we want to evolve into a Bodhisattva. Patience is the antidote to anger.
In Chandrakirti’s 'Supplement to the Middle Way' he writes:
“It makes us ugly, leads to the unholy, and robs us of discernment to know right from wrong.” When we become angry, our body stiffens, our blood pressure rises, our breathing is impaired, as is our reason. Far too many people languish in prisons due to a few seconds when they went out of control and their anger harmed someone. Anger directed at oneself can result in suicide. Anger causes wars of all sizes.
Patience creates a joyousness within us. Our features become relaxed and we can look many years younger. We are then tolerant and happy and much further along the path of becoming a Bodhisattva.
Effort – Enthusiastic effort is necessary if you want to achieve anything, but for something as noble and challenging as joining the ranks of the Bodhisattvas, effort is definitely a requirement.
Who doesn’t want their efforts repaid instantly? However, the way of the Bodhisattva is arduous and requires virtues that many of us currently lack. Laziness is a huge fault that curtails effort. Tomorrow never comes so your effort is needed NOW!
Concentration – Developing a calm mind through meditation will sharpen our concentration.
Being able to focus single-pointedly on one object with a non-wavering mind will be a great advantage. The calm-abiding mind develops clairvoyance and abilities to heal ourselves and others. When radiating inward and outward calm, you’ll become like a lighthouse in a stormy night. You’ll inspire others with your strong mental capabilities and they in turn will want the inner peace that you have found for yourself.
Concentration is a form of mindfulness. This means that when you pay unwavering attention to what you’re doing, you avoid many frustrations. Lack of mindfulness in the kitchen might result in burning a casserole, which not only wasting the ingredients, but twice as much time will be spent cleaning up the mess. Not practicing mindfulness when driving causes accidents.
As Lama Tsong Khapa writes in his 'Summary of the Stages of the Path': “Concentration is a king with dominion over the mind, once placed, immovable like the king of mountains.”
Wisdom – Wisdom is the root of all great qualities we can cultivate in this life.
As the Sixth Perfection, it is the total of the other five. Meditation on wisdom is essential for entering into the stages of being a Bodhisattva.
Buddhist texts emphasize two vital subjects when it comes to knowledge—selflessness and impermanence. Everything changes constantly. One day you leave work at 5:30, the next day it’s 5:45. Nothing is fixed; it’s variable. As for selflessness, we must first discover the location of the self. Is it in the body? If so, where—the mind? The physical world and all living beings are created by the mind. As we are the results of our past actions, so is the world we live in.
Since there are places on earth that are like heaven, those areas where so much virtue has settled that people travel great distances to see such wonderful locations. Conversely, the hellish regions are dense accumulations of non-virtue and evil thrives there, keeping people captive to the negative states of consciousness.
To become a Bodhisattva is to be fearless. There is no aversion for those who are hostile and there is no obsessive clinging to those who are closest to us. There is no possessiveness, only love, compassion and discernment into the nature of reality.
Santideva, the 8th century Bodhisattva wrote a book entitled 'Bodhisattvacharyavatara,' which is one of the most important texts that students of Tibetan Buddhism study. The title has been translated into 'A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life' and is written in verse form. While there are only 10 chapters, dealing with the 6 perfections as well as developing the spirit of awakening, in chapter 10, verse 55 the entire essence of the meaning of Bodhisattva is beautifully expressed:
“For as long as space endures
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I too abide
To dispel the misery of the world.”
Excerpt from the unpublished work,
"The Diary of QettSevOn..."
An early morning 2005, I was laying in bed resting when I began to fly, or was lifted, far, far away from the earth.
I was actually seeing it recede away behind me as I traveled a kind of white line that was clearly and distinctly at a 45 degree angle... I watched in awe as I flew beyond the stars, through the constellation of Orion, on this line, going up and up and up...farther and farther, until I seemingly completely left the universe!
I had no more than reached the abode of light for a few seconds when I was spoken to crassly by the mother of my children, asking me if I was gonna get up and go to work...I abruptly opened my eyes, sat up quickly and upon looking at her, realized I was awake and not dreaming. I had left the universe while conscious...
"Whats your problem?" she asked. I was still processing the images I saw..."I just left the universe!" I said still stunned. She rolled over and said, "whatever."
The images are still I have shared them with you.
- Theodore QettSevOn
It was in the Spring of 2004...a truly amazing "event" I witnessed...If you want proof of something, sometimes you just have to look up at the right place at the right time. Previously, I only shared this with my daughters and my father before he passed away. Now I will share it with you.
Driving into the Twin Cities on a spring evening, doing my last courier run of the day, I saw it. Plain as day in the western sky, high above the world...a blue-white light. Not just any blue-white light...a steady, bright like a star, blue-white light that was in a fixed position over Minnesota.
I drove into the city for 30 minutes, constantly checking it's never ever budged from that spot in the sky until after I delivered my last package in St.Paul. I then drove to an area where I pulled over and I could just see it.
I was goosebumps for about an hour straight knowing that I was witnessing this extraordinary event.
Occasionally looking around, no one else bothered to even stop and see what I was looking at. Really busy street too.
Out of the west came a high altitude jet, streaking right towards the light. Approximately 30 seconds to intercept it vanished...the light was gone. I watched the Air Force plane fly right through the airspace the blue-white light had been occupying. Bummed out, but totally excited, I was still frozen to the street in St.Paul I was standing on.
After a few more minutes, turning my head and looking east, Air Force jet far behind me over Wisconsin now...I turned back to the west just in time to actually see it reappear!
The goose bumps were now the most intense I have ever felt in my entire life! I let out a deep laugh and a loud "Yeah!!!!"
The blue-white light suddenly reappeared in a slightly different position than where it had previously been. It was a little lower in the same area of the sky, and a little farther south...but not much.
I stood there in awe! I looked around again. A couple of cars going by with people giving me the, "what is this guy doing?" look on their face. I had pulled over on a very busy stretch of Randolph Ave, with a very clear view of the western sky, and stood there, in front of my idling van, looking at the sky.
I gazed back at the blue-white light...Elated...knowing that the day I have waited an eternity for is finally drawing near.
I stared for several more minutes at the blue-white light fixed in the Minnesota sky. Unmoving...bright as a star at night. But this was sun still up, evening daylight!
Suddenly, as I glanced to the south, I saw a second high-altitude jet cruising on a intercept course with the light. I looked back at the blue-white light...watched it for a few more moments.
Then, sadly, just as before, exact same thing. 30 seconds or so before intercept, the blue-white light disappeared. This time for good. It never came back.
I stood looking at the Air Force jet, back at that empty piece of sky, back at the jet, back at the empty piece of sky, finally just the jet. And just like the other jet before it, no course correction, no speed adjustment...just kept on going.
Watching the second jet continue north, I occasionally glanced back to the area where the light had been, hoping for a repeat performance...
I guess I got my repeat performance.
After a half an hour more, I finally got in my van and left.
But before I left, as I turned to get back into my van, I noticed a guy sitting on his front porch across the street. He was staring at me. Held up his binoculars and smiled. I nodded my head and thought, "now you know too."
As if he heard my thoughts, in acknowledgment, he nodded his head. I got in my van and drove off into the city traffic.
I have kept it to myself for quite you are witness too.
- Theodore QettSevOn
My myspace friend Butterfly Tigress has since informed me that what I was viewing was a "Vimana". Google it to know more...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


L'Angelo Misterioso
*Galactic Consciousness*
°º• 1îghtw¤rker§ •º°

By Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

This message hopefully will begin the process of breaking through the negative historical barriers of collective thought: and projection, and ultimately redefine the history of the original Cosmic Maya. Most of what we know of the Maya is based in Spanish accounts. The journals of the Spanish, twisted and fabricated, seem to justify the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent people in their uncontrollable, greed for glory and gold. Historically we have, known the Mayas as a grand civilization that rose and fell in a short period of time. In this short; time they accomplished a great deal. We have been told the Mayas were violent, drug-crazed savages who used the sacrifice of human beings to satisfy the angry Gods. Even with this grim picture painted by recent history, archaeologists still ponder at the wealth of knowledge left behind. Their remarkable talents for building pyramids, creating complicated artwork, and the use of 17 accurate calendar systems is still a mystery and misunderstood.

In truth, what I have been told by the Mayas is much different than the Spanish accounts. The pyramids were built as focal points to receive and transmit energy to and from the cosmos, not for grand sacrificial rites. Even though the details are not yet clear to me, I have been shown how the pyramids are used for communication through time and space and for the use of quantum shifting and time travel. No Spaceship is needed here. Some of the pyramids taught calendar systems, like the main pyramid In Chichan Itza, "Kukulkan". These pyramids activate human beings, Hunbatz Men, Mayan older and day keeper says, "When you climb the pyramid you become the Spirit of the pyramid and remember the knowledge of the cosmos." Having climbed a few pyramids myself, I can assure you, they activate a receptive soul.

The remains of the culture that the Maya masterfully created are still encoded with cosmic knowledge that activates the human spirit. This knowledge is very accessible to an open heart and was intended to be understood intuitively, using all 7 centers of the body. The Maya are a cosmic culture based on the consciousness of spirit and honor for all creation.

Historians have been interpreting the Maya intellectually and literally. Interpreting the Cosmic Maya through a Western mentality based on a materialistic society and immersed in ego definition, will always lead one to the wrong conclusions. Presumed representations of human sacrifice are actually symbolic teachings of cosmic understanding of the calendars, time, mathematics and of the seven powers of the human body, the Chakras! An example of art work depicting the ball games where the winner of the game was apparently beheaded, was in fact, actually meant to teach the cycles of time and the movement of planets. The winner was enlightened by cosmic understanding and the activation of the seven centers of the body. This can be plainly seen in Mayan art work as seven serpents emerging out of the symbolically beheaded winner.

The 17 different calendars are actual cycling maps, teaching the understanding of the energy lines of the cosmic web of creation, the web of life. They are cycles of time based on the cosmos that work together like, the, gears of a watch. Each connects with the central sacred cycle, "Tzolk'in", a Pleiadian cycle. As they circumnavigate, they synchronize to "day one, month one 11, thus creating 11-11, and an energy portal. When the cosmic web is understood and experienced, we become omni perspective and total cosmic remembrance and inter dimensional travel are possible.

When we, work with the sacred calendar, "Tzolk'in", and its 20 cosmically encoded Sun glyphs, we find help in discovering our own unique personal perspective. When each human being lives from their total individual perspective, instead of only being a reflection of another person's reality, we begin to live in our total integrity, fulfilling our solar destiny. When working with the Tzolk'in we begin to cycle with the Pleiades, the energetic center of our galaxy, instead of being programmed by a linear society. This helps activate cosmic remembrance, locked deep inside the center of every cell of our bodies, within our DNA. The Tzolk'in also expands our perspective into what the Cosmic Maya call omni-perspective where one can see from many views and stay centered in one's personal perspective.

The Maya have said that this is an important step toward oneness and a peaceful non-judgmental world. When one can see from many perspectives it is impossible to judge anything. This will create peace and allowance within humankind for all life. We actually realize and become a beautiful part of a much larger whole. Ultimately this will lead each of us to energy independence and reconnection with the source of creation as we tap into the sustaining energy of Hunab K'u. When we live and merge personal a perspective with omni-perspective, we create a completely harmonious world.

So we have shared some new perspectives on the historical accounts of the Maya, but who are these advanced beings, the "Cosmic" Maya? The Maya were, and are, cosmic beings and are not naturally indigenous to this planet. These beings we call the Maya have been on earth in the ancient times of Atlantis, Lemuria, Egypt, India, Tibet, Greece... They are responsible for the remains of ancient cultures that we travel to today. The Cosmic Maya were called by similar names in different times and locations according to local culture. They are, limitless, peaceful, openhearted beings who love to laugh. They have traveled the time/space lines of our galaxy and others. They are, synchronizers of solar systems, galactic navigators and masters of perspective. They have worked with other solar systems and they are working now with ours. They work closely with Ascended Masters, the Great White brotherhood, Angelic realms and other Pleiadian groups, and YOU! The, Cosmic Maya feel intensely Angelic to me, a feeling that you might not expect. They are not gender conscious nor do they view the races on the planet as different. They say that from their perspective we are not as far apart as we think. They work from the energy of love, not fear, and have tremendous devotion in their hearts for the whole of humanity and the Earth's quest for evolution. They view us as equals to them in the cosmos. I never feel above or below them when we communicate; only a great respect for each other. Yes, the Maya are, ET's of sorts, and have star-seeded Earth with cosmic encoding "energy" many times. They speak with one voice and do not desire to be known individually. But it is my guess, that they are numbered at 20, based on a clue they gave me in the past. They once jokingly called themselves the 20 Gods of the calendar, the 20 Sun signs.

In our recent past the Cosmic Maya returned to earth to understand the cycles of time from Earth's perspective - to understand where we are, in the grand experiment. In a short time, they had compiled enough information so that the rest could be done through their own version of mathematics. As the beginning of the 9 cycles of darkness came closer, a gestation period for the transformation of Earth began, and the Maya prepared to return to the stars. By using their knowledge of the energy-light portals of calendars-cycles of time-space-experience, they breathed themselves off the planet.

As a child is formed in the, darkness of the womb of the mother, was it to be, for the, formation of a transformed, ascended Earth. The Maya could not be on Earth during these dark cycles. Their light would have, interfered with the transformation process. It was in these times of darkness that some of what we are now taught about the Maya was fabricated. Their teachings were diluted and many of their pyramids were built over by the descendants who understood only fragments of the original Knowledge. These teachings await rediscovery during these times of the great awakening. By the time of the arrival of the Spanish to the Americas, the Cosmic Maya had become a mysterious myth, built over, fragmented, and rooted in superstition and the enactment of repetitious, meaningless ceremony.

The Cosmic Mayas carried the burden of time while living on Earth. They understand that we carry it every day as we are bound to walking through our world in a linear fashion; hours, weeks, months... They know we are tired and ready for change. We are, beginning to cosmically awaken, and as we do, life can become unbearable and ecstatic all at once. It is a delicate time for us and for the galaxy. They view us as courageous souls as we experience limitation and stretch for total awakening. The love they feel for Earth and humanity is overwhelming.

The hour is nearing when the cycles of time for Earth and our galaxy are coming into synchronization. This has been a monumental project of the Maya and as we near the new world, the "Itza Age", the Cosmic Maya wish to return to experience the ascension with the Earth and humanity. It is the beginning of the final stroke of a masterful painting and they wish to experience its’ completion with Earth. But as long as negative limiting projection and judgment exists within humanity and/or towards the Cosmic Maya, they will not return. They are quite sensitive to projection and the limiting energy which humankind imposes upon each other on a daily basis. They do not wish to fall into limitation as we have. They would not be effective at their mission if heavy limitation and projection were present. The intention behind this message is to help humankind understand the truth. They ask, if it is in your heart to do so, to begin to project loving, positive, empowering energy to humanity as a whole and to the Cosmic Maya and "invite" them home. A small and powerful solar family, collectively projecting positive energy toward them is all they require. This will help create a positive circuit of energy upon which they will return to Earth. As we need personal support to manifest in a positive fashion, so do they. The Maya have, shown me, as an example, that the being called Jesus had 12 powerful disciples, who continually projected vital positive support, while he worked with our planet and it's people.

As we prepare for the fulfillment of our destiny and the future of our world and universe, the Maya also prepare. Their return heralds a great sign signaling that the shift to galactic graduation is very close at hand. The more presence of their truth on Earth will help activate Earth and humanity in a very positive way. They are very excited to be experiencing the wonderful evolutionary shift of this grand experiment coming to fulfillment. The Maya have not revealed a date of their return to me. They explain that time as they know it is more like space and experience. They live by cycles of time that are spherical. Since the Gregorian calendar is linear, the use of it for prophecy is not considered accurate. We may not know the day or the hour of the beginning of the Itza Age nor the Cosmic Mayas return, but we will have an inner knowing as the time nears.

What was left behind by the Cosmic Maya for us to rediscover was ingeniously encoded with universal truth capable of bridging the gaps between all cultures, languages and all levels of education. It is available to all beings desiring awakening. This is not something you will need to learn, it is something you will remember!

The Cosmic Maya wish us to remember that they are our ancient family, our brothers and sisters. We are galactic family awaiting the grand reunion of our history and our future. Their blood and spirit runs through our bodies, for we are descendants of these cosmic beings. The Cosmic Maya and all beings of Earth are pieces of the Sun. We are connected to the Creator, we have just forgotten. We are unique and special measures of God. We each have our own time, our own perspective and our own song. We have been seeing the same Creator all along and soon we will understand that we have not been describing it differently. We are not as far apart as we think.

What is in store for us in our future? The Cosmic Maya say it is beyond our imagination. They inform me, that we are in for incredible surprises as the illusions are lifted. What we thought we knew may be revealed in a new light. By their standards we have remembered very little and what has been remembered is fragmentary and littered through our philosophy, science and religion. We all still have a lot to remember. The recorded history of the Cosmic Maya and beings of Earth are beginning to emerge out of a convoluted and distorted history.

posted with Love by
°º• 1îghtw¤rker§ •º°


The valiant Horse loves speed, adventure, freedom and change. Impatient by nature, Horses insist that life revolves around them. When they have a chance to do something great, they will dive in with both hands, but their lack of discernment between promising and not-so-promising opportunities can block their success. Their great sense of humor makes Horses amusing friends. Their intelligence, passion and discipline will create good luck for them.
Horse people are full of nobility and grace but at the same time they show great strength. They can work extremely hard and will achieve success. Horses adore magnificence and beauty and enjoy being among groups of people, where they can shine with their knowledge and charisma. In fact, Horses flock to performances of all types and love passionate things. Be sure to always compliment the Horses you know for their talents and accomplishments. They want to create and produce many wonderful things but sometimes they simply want too much. As honest stallions, they are the first to acknowledge their failures and the lessons learned.

Famous Horses:
• Rowan Atkinson
• Sean Connery
• Kevin Costner
• Cindy Crawford
• James Dean
• Clint Eastwood
• Linda Evans
• Ella Fitzgerald
• Harrison Ford
• Bob Geldof
• Gene Hackman
• Jimi Hendrix
• Janet Jackson
• Paul McCartney
• Barbra Streisand
• John Travolta

I-Ching Readings for Horses:
Freedom-loving Horse craves speed, adventure and freedom. Although blessed with good luck and brains, their impulsive streak can lead them astray. Luckily Horses possess a great sense of humor, which helps to lighten a bad turn.

Love for the Horse Man

The Horse man loves passionately and is good at attracting romance … but Horse men can hurt their partners with words and turn them away. The male Horse can be a jokester with their lovers and friends, but if their partners don't understand that it is all in fun, hurt feelings will make them bolt. To understand a Horse man you need to be nearly psychic yourself. The Horse man loves tender love games … and you better love them, too, if you want to keep your romance running the open range.

Love for the Horse Woman

The Horse woman is set on fire quickly … but the fire can go out fast. She needs a partner with experience and with enough fortune to attract and keep her wild nature between four walls. She loves older partners when young, but when she is older, her preference could tip toward younger beaus. The one that understands how fast she changes her mind -- and can laugh about it -- is the one for her. If you want to win a Horse woman, you need to be sure you can keep up with her passionate nature -- she's passionate in mind, heart and body!

Money for the Horse

Horses are best of all the signs at making money in a self-employed situation. They don't like people to control them. They have their own work rhythm and ideas about how to best achieve success. They are quick to invest money in their companies and their projects. Saving is not really what they are here to do, which can create problems, as they don't always succeed at balancing expenses against what is coming in. They want the best of everything and they love to travel -- building a nest egg is just not their forte. They will also spend money on appearances to be elegant and charming.

You are the the grail...
Set your spirit free as you set sail
You are the golden fleece
The flame that burns for love and peaceYou are the philosopher's stoneWorldbridger of Known and Unknown - what truth has shown
Blessed with the powers of alchemical transmutation turning baser materials into gold --The spirit of all that is embodied in your essence of being cannot be bought or sold
Be bold, in the celestial fold, you enfold the powers to alchemize all you've learned, sought and been told.
You are the cornucopia, a Synaesthesia - the essence of all fantasiaThe paradox of emptiness and harvest, embodied in all seasons and directions, north, south, east and west
You are the still place that lies open and fallow, receiving the gifts.Freeing you from the gaps and bridging your consciousness through the rifts
You are the gift of the beginner's mind in the fullness of union Returning to balance, in our communion, Your ascension is blessed in our reunionBeing receptive, you are preparing your circuits for transformation.
This is a step beyond renunciation station, in all elation, this can be your exaltation, your emancipation, your libation, our liberation, - the indication of which is in all sensation the essence of all creationBecome empty, that your thirst may be quenched Your heart, body soul and mind drenchedBy the bounteous gifts poured from the chalice Of all the wisdom, love, light and purity of the crystal palace
In prosperity and abundance of the powers of all the spiraling galaxies...
Set yourself free, being free, free being, yearning to be all which you can be, your soul is remembering and learning, discerning and burning the true essence of all which your 3rd eye can see.
Open and receive all that we offer thee - in the chalice of your own body. Allow serenity, compassion, love, abundance, prosperity, gratitude and light flow abundantly Eb asks you to strengthen and clear your physical vessel in order to prepare for the expanded energies of higher mind, elevated vibration, cosmic awareness, and higher frequency
Your chalice of self is being purified through vibrational adjustments in the brain/body system. Feel your heart beat, listen to your soul, feel your conscious cosmic breath and biorhythm
With this quickening, seed the adjustments in your circuits of consciousness and be naturally transformed. Invoking supernatural, sensitive, compassion, loving blossoms to be born, in all which you've formed
An recoding sensation, altered being, rewired of your circuits Bit by bit, As you are seated and consciously, subconsciously, unconsciously lit with love and light, you will be enveloped within it
Higher centers of the brain and the light Shining bright as information in the for of illuminating light bright Sets your sight, Allowing your consciousness to take flight Higher than any string less kite
sensitive pineal and pituitary glands are being activated to contain more light. Let loose the tight bonds of past ways of many days, and accept more compassion and love - manifesting right
This penetration brings you to a critical threshold, Letting go of all you have and you hold Allowing your true being to unfold Your spirit to be bold
Thus - creating enormous change at the cellular level. In all feel and implore, all your thoughts in store I impel you to revel
Activate the rate at which you state the obvious and the unknown The truth has only shown, a path, a method for how your soul has grown
Activating your soul memories and expanding your concepts of reality. The essence of this universal truth is your skeleton key Your soul's yearning burning desire is to be set free, infinity You are the trinity
In expanded consciousness, your brain/body system is being cleared Past all the thoughts, experiences, memories, times feared For you to learn a new way of being, Allowing you to have peered Into a conscious reprogram of your intuitive intention seared Reflections, inner detections all which are mirrored
As you are fine-tuned to create A new state A stargate A bodhisattva's gate A rate to create To manifest a new way to elate Your soul's desire and intention in fate
A gateway in this activation and acceleration of cosmic consciousness From the chasm to the void to the zero point to the event horizon, emptiness Comes the conscious understanding in love's and compassion's you shall bless Freeing your very being from all you've experienced in fear, pain and duress
Alchemizing your emotion in love's deep ocean
This penetration of frequencies and its accompanying quickening is an upgrading the of your 'hard drive' of your biocomputer, activating
YOUR hidden chip, to free you of bugs and the glip, where one may slip, From your chalice of your essence, make you take a divine slip
Manifesting, refiring the unused parts of your brain, in light body shall you gain. Cresting the foundation and awakening of your light body, in sunlight, moonlight, fog, wind, or rain
Your light body crafted is from the expansion of interstellar light Shining as bright as the sun, supernova, binary stars shining bright Illuminating you in radiant abundance of sunshine, moonbeams day and night Allowing your imagination, true intention and unconditional love to take flight
Within every cell - This body exists in and out of time and space The pure essence of your divine grace Freeing you from the rat race Enlightening the very pace
Freeing you to be able to experience and communicate freely Living, Loving, Giving, Being, Purely Multidimensional: Omnipresent Omnipotence in all dimensions and times Beyond the meaning of these very rhymes
We are a resonant body The Warriors of Light Shining bright in love by day and by night Empowering all powers that be in love and light Illuminating and serving and loving all as one by sunlight and daylight
You are the bodhisattva, the alchemist, the healer, the lover, the dreamer The giver, the seer, allowing you to peer into all those whom beam her Power
Powers of timelessness, compassion and love, as is below so is above Fly freely and high, expanding consciousness all that is, white dove
Realize with real eyes the dream light body within the physical body and understand From above or beyond or the point which you stand, see, feel, hear, taste, smell with your pineal gland Know the frequency band, Feel it emanate higher in vibration grand From the hearts of all as one in any space, galaxy, dimension or land
the circuitry of the human organism - who use the light body to navigate Create and manifest through the process of creation, the power of intention, Your state Of mind, body and spirit, and the feeling within and near it - elate Love - free in form and form free, back to the source shall we, travel, you and me, I am you and you are me - stargate
In all the electromagnetic waters which we call the universe Hear, See, Touch, Smell, Be this Verse For better or for worse Free all from the veils of illusion and delusions in this curse Beyond to the beauty and knowledge of all that is our space, omniverse
Developing our light body, involving strong interaction Making this faction Our pact is on
Between Spirit and self - as you prepare for entrance Come free yourself in sacred dance, beyond all happenstance Shall we fly, high, shall we prance Into the expanded chalice of Essence Self Free from collecting dust on a shelf Or being left to rust in the dust of what we dig and dwelve
Drinking from the cup of this vessel, you enter into the rites of passage inherent Of the true meaning of our heart's intent where all our thoughts, feelings and awareness is lent It is what for we are truly meant To be - cosmic consciousness, such rites burst Like a starburst
Expanding, encompassing quantum reality Infinite possibility To infinity
Removing any false containers of self that cannot encompass the expanding chalice Live and give in love on this trip to and from the crystal palace
Meditate, the rate at which you elate,
Expand to include all that you are You are precious as a shining brightly lit star Illuminating From here and afar On part
Bringing the harmony, the melody, the rhythm your heart's beat singing Feeling of expansion back into your physical self, Processing creation of complex stability being Seeing and opening a chalice of self that is fully rooted in human form, freeing you from the norm we are all star born.
In this expansion, you are freed to explore All that life has in store I implore It is the greatest gift of all that presents the riches of presence galore It it what we are here for!
This is a feeling akin, to all that is and has been, within a new center that, paradoxically, seems to have to center WHEN
Feeling and peeling away the veils of illusion, it revealing the secret of being ... THEN
In essence within form, everywhere and nowhere, "nothing" but present in all things, this is and has BEEN.
The ever-expanding chalice is a powerful spiritual tool, learned from the most sacred of mystery school This chalice represents the eternal container of light, ever filled with spirit's fire and nourishment pool
Of liquid knowledge and light - love manifested to the highest height, for all and one's delight. I
This is your full potential and powers that one can manifest All as one, this essence is what we do best For all that is, one love we are truly blessed From the womb, to the mother's den and flocking the nest What shall we manifest How shall we rest when we can do lest Within this crest, eye for all, all for one, real eyes in this Grand Experiment and test?
Shall we remember each member of our galactic federation, in sensation, shall we awake Knowing what is the true icing and the cake, for our ethereal, astral, galactic, universal wake For all our sake What shall we bake ? Shall we give and take? what shall we rake? Seed planted. Nurtured. Nourished. Fertilized, Realized, Reap and Sewn. What shall we come to know in knowing Known and Unknown? what has the truth shown? Have we grown? Shall we be blessed in tone, of love and light to be grown.
In each stage of our journey, the final is actual gift to move beyond the rift of unconscious drift and lift the haze of the illusory daze of living life matrix like in the maze, shall we gaze Into the next stage, opening and expanding days like a fire set a blaze, and phase A higher frequency, electro magnetic frequency, vibrating higher in unity - in case to raise Our frequency - in key to vibrate in form and free of form, form of free, releasing you and me into the next stage of consciousness. the kiss of bliss is like this:
All the gifts of the macrocosm pour out of the universal cornucopia We are a myriad divine mosaic and sacred plethora Pangea of Gaia, In Terra Firma we are Nous Donnera Amour, that's what we are here for, Om A Hum Vajra Guru Benzi Hung, Om a Aum Vajru Guru Siddi Hung - On Namah Shivaya!
With an open heart, empty yourself to be filled with the fruits of your true desire. Allow your soul to fall free, free fall higher and higher Down the rabbit hole shall you spiral, in and out, fly her - your DNA evolves as you might inquire Inquire the desire to burn like your soul's cosmic spark in burst of fire
Through the temple of your body, Embody Your essence in purity
Lift the chalice of your expanded self essence, declaring Your very being Declaring all that is in your chalice filled with truth and clarity. In ecstasy, In serenity Feel the ecstatic union with your full potential as a human being, seeing free.
Meditate on the cornucopia with you at its center From here in expanded presence shall you enter Zero point, Event horizon, Hunab Ku, Reunion of Twins, Matter: Antimatter, Return to Balance This is your chance beyond the what and whys and all happenstance ...
Lift the chalice of your self-generated energy vortex to greet the vortex that will descend from above. Ascend as is below, so is above As an open vessel, prepare a place to receive these precious gifts of love When you flow in unconditional love, all the fruits of the universe rush toward you for benediction freeing you in flight like a white dove.
Bathe in love's essence It all makes sense Bathe in your inner sense innocence As a child splashing in a pool on a hot day, all matters hence
Connect all as one in joyous union - in harmony giving the cosmic broom of this presence powers to sweep past your days clearing past experience
In light in the spirit of all frequencies and power bands Open up all as one's pineal gland From where you fly or stand Your cup is filled with the nectar of sacramental union grand
Be fulfilled by the great harvest of love! AS IS BELOW, SO IS ABOVE!

Written by KARINA... GODDESS OF THE MILKY WAY (top friends)

Today now in this moment I am ecstatic to impart
How deeply I have loved you from the start
We, in ourspace - together in love as one, came from our source
In this divinely beautiful love we've traveled cosmic paths in our course
I embrace the natural energies of the bodies, spirit and breath
Through symbols of birth, and rebirth, giving us depth and breadth
Together as one we connect with cosmic, universal energy.
We are becoming one with the other, the cosmos through infinity
A deeper, intergalactic, omniversal unity
A sacred geometry
of sacred Fibonacci
spirals infinitely through infinity
Phi blesses each of us
Of collective wholeness of our divinity
Transcending into higher dimensions of consciousness
Shall we spiral together, We shall bless
Chi alchemically into a divine union with thee
Where our souls intermingle, truly free
To be all that we are created to be
Shall we, Co-Create Our New Reality
is the place
to shine brightly in our awakened grace
Setting the pace
For us to to turn to one another face to face
Become aware, remember And smile at our mirror reflection
Of All As One's Holographic Projections
Refractions, Reflections
Intuitive, Empathic Detections
Of all our telepathic psychic Predilections
In each and every one of our directions
Our energy vibrates electromagnetically - As without, so Within our myriad web of connections
Pure bliss and harmony
Peace, Love and Serenity
In truth as our key
Open the doors and portals to unlock our multiversal energy
And nature's greatest mystery
I love all as one unconditionally
Thank you for your presence lovely
In serendipity & Synchronicity
I am blessed to love thee
Bless we, bless thee in ourspace infinitely !

Divine is what divine does... you are MOST divine Karina


The good news is that we don't need to suffer from discordant thoughts and feelings! With a few pointers, we can learn how to minimize the frustrating reality shifts, and learn to make more of our favorite dreams come true.

1. Pay Attention - The world seems full of whatever we focus our attention on. When you're thinking of buying a new car, you see the kind of car you're thinking of almost everywhere you go. Be sure to start looking for evidence that indicates your wishes and prayers are being answered.

2. Appreciate - Being grateful for what we have is the best way to receive more of what we most enjoy. Expressing appreciation and thanks feels good and helps us continue to pay attention to what we most love, allowing more good experiences to come our way.

3. Review the Scientific Studies - Reproducible, double-blind scientific studies conducted by doctors in real-life hospital situations are now proving that distant healing improves the health of those being prayed for. The wishes and prayers have come from people with a wide range of beliefs, indicating that we are all non-locally connected and can influence physical reality from great distances.

4. Revise Your Assumptions - The old assumptions that we can be objective observers without influencing what we're watching or having any long-distance effects have been disproved with recent quantum physics experiments. We now know that we can only make predictions in terms of probabilities, and that we can't disregard consciousness or spirit simply because we can't measure those things.

5. Energize Yourself - Take a few minutes to reverse the damage stress causes to your body every day. Breathe love in, feeling it in your heart, and recall some of your favorite memories. These feelings of Love will energize you tremendously, which increases the probability that you'll experience enjoyable reality shifts.

6. Reverse Negative Self-Talk - Our inner self-talk is a running dialog with the universe. When self-talk consists of put-downs and negativity, it directly interferes with anything good we wish to observe. We can minimize negative self-talk by "flipping" each negative statement around, and making an affirmation out of those reversed statements. Posting these affirmations and reading them every day is a powerful way to remove the destructive

7. Feel Non-Locally Interconnected - Just as quantum particles are found to be intimately interconnected with twin particles located great distances away, we also are non-locally interconnected with everything and everyone we love.

8. Visualize What You Desire - Visualize what you most desire to experience in your life -- all your favorite, wildest dreams -- with the idea in mind that we actually create reality as we observe it.

9. Let Go of Wishes - The best way to make our favorite dreams come true after we've visualized them is to release them. This gives them the degrees of freedom required to exist unobserved as pure energy waves, before our observation collapses the wave functions and one possibility materializes.

10. Choose Your Attitude - The most important thing to remember when you face challenges or seemingly impossible situations is to remember that reality can shift! You can choose to replace your feelings of stress, fear, or anger and breathe Love. The more you practice this meditation of "thinking with your heart", the easier it will be, and the more wonderful reality shifts you'll experience!

Universal Love

Love and Thanks

Code of Conduct For Final Elevation
By Sree Sree Mentu Maharaj
Excerpt from the book
The Truth Absolute
published by

To maintain the divine energy,
the moral strength in life for spontaneous progress in spiritual life,
the following code of conduct should be observed.

One should not deprive anyone from maintaining his life peacefully
and enjoying his love for his beloved one.
One should not create any hindrance to the attempt of others
One should not prevent any spiritual inspiration
or the progress of another's faith and spontaneous elevation.

One should not give any wrong advice to anyone and create more confusion in their lives.
One should be in the right frame of body, mind and spirit to be prepared for any eventuality,
to be able to face and handle any situation and maintain balance and tranquility.

One should not hurt anybody's sentiment for his object of love
and so make him suffer depression, loneliness and varieties of frustrations
that create suffocation of life and love.

One has no right to bite another's personality and fight against his interest or faith.
This creates conflict and chaos in the world of friendship and relations
and forfeits the functioning of normal life, love and relations.

One should not burden others with all of one's problems, wants and worries when they cannot rightly solve them.
This creates a tendency to self pity and confusion
that ruin the strength of self confidence and willpower with which one could solve one's problems.

One should not land oneself in the field of friendship and relations by unhealthy discussions or unnecessary gossip.
This ruins the spiritual potentialities of others,
envelops them in clouds of doubt and depression and buries them in darkness.

One should not hurt anybody in any way to release one's revenge, frustration and disappointment.
One should not discuss anything that disgraces oneself or others.
This brings distress to the mind and creates contraction in the being.
Contraction is death.
Expansion is life.

One should not forget that the sum total of wrong deeds and actions
will withhold and pull back one's life to a condition where no other advice can ever work to rescue it.
The sum of wrong deeds nullifies the reward of good deeds
and permanently imprisons life in the world of darkness and depression
where evil can play its role to ruin one forever.

0 mankind, be alert about karmic law and know what you should do and whit you should not do.
Avail every opportunity in life to enjoy the effect of good actions,
with the full co-operation of the angels,
and enter into the kingdom of God in this life and life eternal.

Blessed are those who are aware of their moment to moment life
and the result thereon to achieve the highest reward from God,
burying all the past causes of suffering to enjoy Eternal Bliss.

by Celia Fenn

All Are Ascending into the 5th Dimension

Ascending Together...No One gets left behind....
Energy continues to build...
It is indeed intense, and many people feel like the energy is just moving too fast.
We are in a huge shift,
and the energies are swirling and chaotic as the old pattern breaks down and the new pattern starts to form.
I feel that this will continue from now until the beginning of next year.
At this time,
the "New Earth" patterns will emerge and be clearly seen.

What will that be like?
Well, I have no idea, and I don't think anyone else has either.
Those who hold expectations about what will happen now are likely to be disappointed.
Even Spirit is guiding us towards our new Golden destiny,
by emphasizing the outcome of Peace and Joy,
but letting us know that we are creating that outcome in co-operation with Spirit.
And we are at that moment of great trust
just before the manifestation of what we have intended and worked for.
We hold our breath in anticipation
as the Cosmic energies whirl and then fall into place
revealing the beauty of our manifestation.

So, in this period,
be patient,
be grounded
and keep your Heart open.

Patience is required,
for things will manifest according to Divine Timing.
Being grounded is important,
otherwise we might get caught up in the chaos "out there"
as things shift and change rapidly.
Keeping your Heart open is also important.
As people and things change rapidly,
and as all illusions are brought to the surface to be released,
many people are falling into judgment,
either of themselves or of others.
At this time,
release all judgments and know that everyone
is doing the best that they can at this time.

One of the fears that seems to surface is that of being "left behind",
and not being good enough to make the shift.
Just know that this is an "old energy"
from fundamentalist belief systems where God "judges" people.
It is not true about this NOW moment.

As Archangel Michael keeps saying,
ALL are ascending into the Fifth Dimension.
All who are here now have made that choice
and ALL will ascend TOGETHER.
It is a Group Project,
and no one will be left behind!

Just know that!!!!!!!!!

When Love Incarnate: The Twin Flames

The longing for our perfect mate is a need engraved in our DNA.

We harbor a desire for restoration and unity, and search for the piece that is always missing.

In our journey through life, the search continues for something that can't be readily found.

It is a quest for wholeness.



Excellent book ~
Thank You ....

Ananda Bhavani

An important reminder of our amazing potential as humans....
Our sexuality is such a valuable tool for a transformation
in consciousness...We can experience so much more.....


************************************************************ ***

Book: Bringers of The Dawn

Chapter: Sexuality--
A Bridge to Higher Consciousness

The sexual parts of the body are avenues to pleasure
that create frequencies that heal and stimulate the body and potentially lead it to its higher spiritual self.
Sexuality is so misunderstood on this planet that,
when it is exchanged between two persons,
very seldom is there an intent to connect spirituality with it.
Sexuality invokes a spirituality that is free and that looks at itself as a creator.
However, very seldom is sexuality used as a bridge to take you to higher levels of consciousness.

We have spoken with a number of individuals who have been utilizing light.
Since finding the proper partner in a monogamous situation,
they have been able to achieve very high states of being.
Monogamy tends to work for most of you very well because of where you are vibrationally.
When you have many partners, you tend to be less than honest and to hide who you are:
You share a little here, there, and everywhere in scattering your seed.
It is best to be with one person, but this does not mean the same person forever.
Be loyal, be open, and be sharing with the person you are working with,
and go as far as you can with them.
If it happens to be your whole life, wonderful.
If it doesn't, then when you come to a place where you are no longer communicating and serving one another,
and you feel the relationship is not going to be able to make a leap,
terminate the relationship and find another person who works with your vibration.

When you work one-on-one intimately, you develop trust.
Most of you have difficulty trusting yourselves because you don't have a role model for trust.
You can learn about trust in a relationship because a relationship acts as a mirror for you,
showing you what you cannot see from your own viewpoint.
It shows you yourself outside of yourself when you have open communication within sexuality and deep intimacy,
and when you are not using sexuality as a distraction for getting close.
Many of you have used sexuality as a distraction and a way to avoid intimacy rather than to develop it.
You begin to get energy and to look into one another's eyes and to feel all hot and excited.
Then, instead of exploring each other intimately and spiritually, you shut down your feeling centers,
put on your armor, and have shallow, genital sex because it is too frightening and to intense
to go the deeper route of full body and full spiritual connection.
Sometimes hot sex feels great and is wonderful.
We are simply saying that there is more. There is much more, and no one is keeping it from you except yourselves
and the beliefs and fear you have of letting down your boundaries and walls.

Sexuality is a frequency.
It represents what was not taken away from you through your history. Your memories, and your identity were removed and scattered.
The way you were left intact with the ability to discover who you were was through the sexual experience.
Of course, you were never taught this.
We are going to do some church bashing here, so sorry for anyone who is a member of the churches.
The churches came about as organizations
businesses to control religion and spiritual development
and to create jobs, to create a hierarchy, and to create a club.
Very few churches came about with the idea of bringing information to people.
You don't usually think of religion as something that keeps you informed, do you?
Any religion that brings information is a religion operating on the vibration of truth.

Spiritual realms are places of existence that the human body is locked away from.
Because sexuality was an opportunity for human beings to regain their memory,
or to connect with their spiritual selves and spiritual creator,
or to find an avenue to the spiritual realm that you are sealed off from,
the churches came about and promoted sexuality for procreation.
They taught you that the only reason you had sexuality was to produce little humans.

Sexuality was promoted as something very bad.
Women were told that sexuality was something they had to undergo to serve men and that they had no control over the birthing process.
Women believed this;hence, to this day, you believe in general that you have no control over that portion of your body.
You must realize that only you decide whether you are going to birth a child or not.
This is not such a complicated thing as you have been told.
Decision and intention are what bring the experience into your being.
You can control whether you have a baby or not.
If women had had this ability for the last several thousand years,
and if she had been able to explore her sexual self without fear of having a child,
perhaps men and women would have discovered that they were much freer than they had been told they were.

The discovery of the highest frequency of sexuality arises from the love experience.
It has nothing to do with relationships being either homosexual or heterosexual.
It has to do with two human beings bringing pleasure to one another in a way that opens frequencies of consciousness.
You have bought many ideas about what is proper and what is improper within sexual expression.

Love is the essence that is to be created in all relationships.
If you love and honor someone, it doesn't matter what your composition of density is.
What matters is the love vibration and how you explore this love,
which ideally is gifted and coupled with the integration of the male and female counterparts that make the twin flame.

Ideally, sexuality is explored through feelings.
The third and fourth chakras connect you to the emotional and compassionate selves, which connect you to the spiritual self.
The spiritual self is the part of yourself that is mulitdimensional-- through which you exist in many forms simultaneously.
It is your assignment and agreement and task to be aware of all these realities in the identity that you are.
When you are aware, you can tune into the different frequencies,
remember who you are, and change the vibratory rate of this universe.

We love to talk about sexuality because it is so mysterious upon this planet.
Certain mystery schools have held some of the knowledge about the potential uses of sexuality in secrecy.
You are electromagnetic creatures,
and when you come together physically with another human creature, you bond your electromagnetic frequencies together.
When your frequencies are attuned and joined by the love frequency, incredible things can occur!

My Blog


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