Green Highland profile picture

Green Highland

About Me

The folk band Green Highland was founded by Frank Gnadl and Sebastian Barwinek alias Freddy McRevill in spring 2006. We want to present a wide range of English folk music. Songs from Ireland to Scotland and Newfoundland as well as originals and instrumentals are part of our programme. We blend this music with all kind of influences, from (acoustic-)rock to jazz and classical music. Our variety of songs and styles includes something for everyone: ranging from hearty sea-shanties to romantic ballads, from newly interpreted traditionals to originals. About the samples: The studio tracks are taken from our first CD "Farewell to a Friend" whereas the live-recordings are taken from a show in Moerfelden-Walldorf in 2008 with the exception of "Bard Songs" which is from one of our first gigs as a band. The whistle tune you can hear on "Bard Songs" is played by Steffen Gabriel a former member of the band.
Die Folk-Band Green Highland wurde im Frühjahr 2006 von Frank Gnadl und Sebastian Barwinek alias FreddyMcRevill ins Leben gerufen. Wir wollen eine große Auswahl an englischsprachiger Folklore bieten und unser Programm umfasst Lieder aus Irland, Schottland und Neufundland sowie Eigenkompositionen und Instrumentalstücke. Wir mischen diese Musik mit allen möglich Einflüssen von (Acoustic-)Rock über Jazz bis hin zu klassischer Musik. Unsere große Bandbreite an Liedern und Stilrichtungen bietet für jeden etwas: von rauhen Seemannslieder über romantische Balladen bis hin zu Neu-Interpretierten Traditionals und Eigenkompositionen. Über die Song-Beispiele auf dieser Seite: Die Studio-Aufnahmen sind von unserer ersten CD "Farewell to a Friend", wohingegen die Liveuaufnahmen von einem Auftritt in Mörfelden-Walldorf stammen. Lediglich "Bard Songs" ist nicht von unserem Auftritt in Mörfelden, sondern von einem unserer ersten Auftritte überhaupt. Den Whistle-Tune am Anfang spielt Steffen Gabriel ein ehemaliges Mitglied der Band.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/27/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Band members are:
Sebastian Barwinek alias Freddy McRevill: Lead-vocals, Guitar, Bodhran, Harmonicas, Irish-Bouzouki;
Tobias Mueller-Brodmann : Bodhran, Cajon, Percussion
Kerstin Scholtz: Accordion, Keyboards;
Alexandra Treutlein: Lead-Vocals;
Daniel von Verschuer: Violin, Vocals;
with: Linda Spieckermann: Flute;
Late members: Frank Gnadl: Whistles, Harmonicas, Vocals, Guitar; Steffen Gabriel: Whistles, Flute, Uillean Pipes
Influences: Folk music from: Ireland, Scotland, Newfoundland and Europe; influences: Folk-Rock, (Acoustic-)Rock, Jazz and Swing, classical music and anything else we listen to;); Bands: Enter the Haggis, Great Big Sea, Paddy goes to Holyhead, The Paperboys, Stokes, The Dubliners, Jethro Tull, Beoga
Sounds Like: Modern Acoustic Folk
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Back in the Booth!

Hi, folks!Thanks for stopping by. Last Friday and Saturday Daniel and me recorded some new parts for our new album which we plan to release sometime this summer. On Friday our sound-engineer Wolfgang ...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Apr 2009 12:34:00 GMT

Songs for Free!

Dear friends of Green Highland,as you might have seen there are 5 songs available for download on our Myspace page. These songs are two tunes from our first album and three songs that were recorded li...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 09:43:00 GMT


Dear friends of Green Highland,after three days of rehearsing I now recovered enough to tell you a bit about our plans for our next album. Last weekend we locked ourselves away in an old house in Bebr...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 02:37:00 GMT

Happy New Year

Hello, dear friends!We wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for the time to come!Currently, we are regaining strength from the weakening days off and hope to start recording for our new CD next ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 08:59:00 GMT

Recording Postponed

Hello, dear friends!Due to some problems with university obligations we sadly had to cancel our rehearsal-weekend which means that the recording will be postponed and will not take place before t...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Nov 2008 12:17:00 GMT

Working on the new album

Hello, dear friends of Green Highland!After our gig at the Molly Malone's in Marburg we started working on some of the new material that will feature on the new album. This blog will tell you someth...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 02:17:00 GMT

New Songs and Photographs on our profile

Hello dear friends of Green Highland!Thanks for dropping by and checking the latest news.We have uploaded three songs that were recorded live in Moerfelden in June 2008! Two songs are live versions of...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 03:30:00 GMT

’tis done! The website is launched!

Dear friends and fans of Green Highland,after months of designing work our website is finally launched. It is callable under !Unfortunately we have not yet made an English versio...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 04:23:00 GMT

Aena Anniversary

Hello, dear friends of Green Highland!Nice of you to drop by and reading the new blog entry. It's Sebastian/Freddy from Green Highland, telling you about the latest gig of the band.Last Satu...
Posted by on Fri, 23 May 2008 02:29:00 GMT


Hey, folks!This is just a short notice to keep you up to date on what is happening at the moment.We are rehearsing at the moment to improve on our old material and add some new songs to our playlist. ...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 08:06:00 GMT