FADE was born one Sunday afternoon in March 07, the result of a casual jam session which itself was the result of Shantanu's previous band, Liquid Metal., breaking up. That jam session led to more jam sessions, and soon RJ and Shantanu were looking at a new band the like of which could not be imagined in a place like Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
Think Kickapoo.
But that was then. Having since performed numerous shows (with Paul on bass and Jay on drums), FADE now finds itself at nearly the end of its particular journey. And so in a perhaps quixotic last effort to not live up to their own name, FADE decided to compile their songs into an album. FADE's first, as yet untitled concept album, will be 30 minutes of absolutenonheadspitmoshstopbloodbang inducing, pure beautiful metal kick-assery. Or something to that effect. We hope.
The name FADE stems from a rejection of everything that the world takes for granted, the philosophy that everything changes, everything fades, nothing dies. Our songs focus on the darker side of the human mind. This concept album describes but one story, while the world, and everyone in it, is just another eye of the storm surrounded by a whirling mass of psychosis. Just like everyone else. Like you, and me.
But you didnt really read all that bullshit, did you?
FADE is :
All Vocals : RJ
All Guitars : Shantanu
All Music and Lyrics : RJ and Shantanu
Some bass and background vocals by Paul.
Drums (live) : Jay
We are currently searching for a record label. If you're a record label interested in FADE's music, please feel free to contact us by email.